Back (chapter 4)

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You pick them up and locked your car .As you walk to your apartment


,,Yes Baby ?"

,,Do you fiend yourself a boyfriend?"

,,No why? Foxy want to break up?!"You say as you stop

,,No!No!No! Why would I want that ?"

,,I don't know you didn't see me for 5 years maybe your feelings change...."

You look at him then began to walk again

,,Y/N sorry for saying this but you become crazy in those 5 years ."

,,I know Bon"

,,Maybe Y/N is crazy but two of us love that"Baby say

You open the door and went inside

,,Oh yess I mise this place the most !"Baby say as she jump of you and start to jump around

You put Molten Freddy down .And went to your room

,,Y/N were do you think your going whit out us ?"Baby ask

,,I just need to change .Then I let you in "

,,Oh.. I am sorry "

,,No problems "You say as you close the door

,,So .Do you guys think that Y/N can put us together?"Bon Bon ask

,,I don't know .But if she can she will tell us ."Baby say

You open the door to let the others in .But someone knock

,,Who can be at this hour ?"You ask as you look at the other

,,Maybe Michel ?"Ballora say

You open the door

At the door was no one else then Elizabeth yes Elizabeth Afton

,,Eli?!What are you doing here ?"You say as you pick her up

She look at you and start to cry

,,Y/N you didn't forget about us do you ?"

,,No I didn't. But what bring you here sweetie?"

,,I need the others to be here ."

,,We are here Eli!"Foxy say

Elizabeth look at you

,,Yea .They gonna live whit me again "

,,Can I stay too ?"

,,Sure Eli .Now tell me is something wrong?"

,,Yes .Remember when you and Michel got rid of daddy ?"


,,Well he is back now."

You and the other look at her in shock. You put Elisabeth down

,,Let's just not think about that now."

,,Yea let's be happy because we are together again!"

,,Baby that's our line !"

,,Sorry "

,,So guys you can turn back to normal now "You say as you look back at them

They turn in to glowing orbs .Then in to their animatronics form

,,You know what being a cat is more fun .I will go in your bed now Eli come pet me"Baby say as she jump on your bed

,,Wait for me I got little legs !"Elizabeth say as she run to from the living room to your room

,,Ballora look .Let's just get offline."

,,Good idea Bon"

You look at Molten Freddy now you three were alone

They hug you and some wires hold your hand

,,Promise you won't leave us again. Please."Foxy say

You hug them back

,,I promises."

,,Thanks Y/N"Freddy say

(I don't have anymore ideas but .I assure you that this book won't be forgotten that easy !)

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