Y.F(chapter 5)

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They pull away from the hug

,,So Y/N we should get you to sleep ."Freddy say as he pick you up some wires were around your waist

,,So the next day you all come whit me at the pizzeria."

,,Why is that sugar ?"Foxy ask

,,Because  I can't let you guys alone here .What is some one fiend you?"

,,Good point ."Freddy say as he open the door

Just to find Baby in her cat form looking at her phone that you give her on Christmas and Elizabeth sleeping whit her cat plush

Foxy put you down  one the bed and sit next to you

,,Y/N do you have a charger ?"

,,Yeah .Here take my "You say as you give the charger to baby

Baby jump on the bed next to you.

Freddy pull the covers over you and got up from the bed

,,Were do you think you are going ?"

,,Uhh in the living room.We don't want to make you uncomfortable ."

,,You two won't now get your wires right here ."

They got under the covers whit you .Some wires were around your waist and some of them were playing whit your hair

*In the morning*

Elizabeth was jumping on the bed whit Baby

,,Hey you two please slow down a little bit .You may wake up Y/N"Ballora say

,,Lora when did you get again online ?"Baby say

,,Me and Bon got back online last night after Y/N fell asleep "

,,Yeah  but you three were adorable  "

,,Aww thanks Bon"Baby say

,,No not you .Freddy Foxy and Y/N ."

,,Well that's true "Baby say

,,We should wake up Y/N for her job"Ballora say

,,Oh I got this ."Elizabeth say as she crawl next you to

,,Elizabeth be gentle...."Foxy say

,,I will.Y/N I CUT MY ARM OFF!" Elizabeth scream

You shut your eyes open and grab Elizabeth

,,WHAT ? ARE YOU OK? SOME ONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!"You scream but a writer slap you

,,Y/N calm down .Eli is ok she just want to wake you up."Bon Bon say

,,Really Eli you could bring me a heart attack"You say as you try to breath

You look down and two wires told your hand .You look at Molten Freddy to see who was holding your hand and it was Foxy. You hug him and Freddy hug back

,,Thanks Eli "Baby say as Elizabeth just took a picture of you three

,,I should change and take a shower. You guys can turn in to animals and wait for me"You got up and the wires pull away

*At the pizzeria because I am to lazy and it's 3 in the morning *

The other want to spend more time whit you and you let them in there animal form .Molten Freddy was a dog and Baby want to be a Rabbit

You clean up some tables and some one tap your shoulder. You turn around to be face to face whit Y.F?!

You look at her whit disgust and she just blush what the f*ck? You say to yourself

,,Uhh Hey Y/N .I don't  want to bother but I am sorry for all I did and I wonder if you will forgive me ?"

She look at you then look away .

You just think for a second .If you think Y.F was bad maybe there is people more annoying and bad than her

,,Sure but I still don't want to face you."You say as you pick Molten Freddy and Baby up

,,And can I ask you something before you leave ?"

,,Sure go on ."You say

,,Do you have a boyfriend?"
Y.F say as she blush

,,Yea I have now can I leave or do you want anything else?"

Molten Freddy just bark at her .

,,No bye !"Y.F say as she run away and cover her face

,,Why do you guys barck ?"

,,Bon did it "Ballora  say

,,I don't let this thing ruin my ship "Bon Bon say

,,What ship ?"

,,You,Freddy and Foxy ofc"

You blush .And they look up

,,Cute "Foxy say

,,Stop maybe some one hear you."

,,Y/N come here "Eli say

You walk over to her

,,What is it sweetie?"You say you you put  Molten and Baby down

,,I hear some one ."

,,You are in a pizzeria whit a lot of kids you shouldn be worry if is quiet "

,,No some one was behind that door "Elizabeth say as she point a door

,,That's were you found me!"Baby say

You walk over to the door and unlock it

You saw an animatronic on the chair

Who can that be?

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