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You were working at the café. Truly exhausted, and then on top of that you had loads of homework to do when you got home from work.

The café door opened as your aunt came in.

"Hey y/n, can I speak to you." Your aunt said as you looked at Jaebum who then just nodded at you as you took off your apron and followed her to a seat by the window.

"What do you mean she's trying to take my mother's money! My mom made that account for when it was time for me to go to dance school! What is wrong with this family?! Im tired of this shit, y'all are always trying to fuck with me!" You said as you stood up pointing fingers and yelling at your aunt. Everyone in the café listened to the whole argument as you then stormed out of the shop.

"Y/n? What's wrong???" Bang Chan said as he grabbed your wrist.

"I'm so sick of my family!" You said as you began to cry. Chan pulled you into a hug as you then balled your eyes out.

"I'll call Hyunji-"

"If he knows I'm mad at my family again he's going to then ask me what's wrong, and then when I tell him he's going to try and pay for me to go to school." You explain to Chan as he then just looked down and nodded.

Then you heard a car door shut.

"Y/n?" You then turned around with teary eyes as Hyunjin walked up to you pulling you into a hug.

"What's wrong..?" Hyunjin's said as he rested his head on yours.

"Nothing I'm ok..I have to go back to work." You said as you then wiped your eyes walking back to the café doors.

"Wait- I was here to give you your lunch." Hyunjin said as he gave you a lunch box and a bottle filled with tea.

"I'll be here to pick you up around 8 alright." Hyunjin said as he gave you a kiss on the cheek as you nodded walking back inside.

"What happened?" Hyunjin asked Chan catching him off guard.

"I don't know." Chan lied, he did know but Chan was always the type to keep promises.

"I know y/n she wouldn't just cry for no reason Chan, please just tell me.." Hyunjin begged as Chan Just looked down.

"Work is bothering her." Chan Lied again as he then pulled out his phone.

"I have to go." Chan said as he walked back to his car.

You walked out to Hyunjin's car getting in with your bag.

"Hey..you alright?" Hyunjin said as he looked at you with a concerned expression.

"I'm ok, can we go home." You said looking at your lap as Hyunjin's started the car. He hated when you would hold in your feelings or anything that was bothering you. You always promised him to tell him how you felt, and it was bothering him that he didn't know what was bothering you.

Hyunjin then pulled into the parking lot of a beach getting out catching your attention.

You then got out car following behind.

"Hyunjin what are you doing it's past curfew we need to get home." You said as Hyunjin smiled at you as he then began to run. You then chased after him as he then stopped sitting down on the sand.

"Hyunjin's what's going on?!" You said as you were confused as to why he would go past curfew.

"Whenever I used to be stressed and had a hard time talking about my feelings, I would come here. But then I met you." Hyunjin spoke as he then looked up at you. He then grabbed both of your hands as he then looked down at you.

"Y/n, we promised to always tell each other what's bothering us, it doesn't have to be now but when the time is right please tell me what's wrong. I love you and I will do anything to keep you happy." Hyunjin spoke as you then began to cry.

He pulled you into a hug as you wrapped your arms around his waist as he rubbed your head calming you down.

"It's ok I'm here." He whispered as he kissed you on your temple.

"My grandma is trying to take all the money my mom saved me for dancing school, and I don't know if I will win against her. I'm so tired of this family..." you said as you wiped your tears.

"Y/n you know I will get my parents to pay for yo-"
Hyunjin began to speak as you cut him off.

"But you guys already do so much for me, I just can't keep letting you do everything for me all the time when I know I can't do anything back all the time." You explained as Hyunjin then looked down.

"Whatever you choose to do..just know I'm here for you. That's if you need to go to court, or if you need help at the café to make more money. I'm here. I will always be here." Hyunjin spoke as you then looked at him as you then kissed him.

"Now let's go home, I'm pretty sure we are going to get scolded but I'll just convince her that it was traffic." Hyunjin said as you nodded and wiped your tears.

But I love you | Hyunjin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now