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"Okay dancer's!" You instructor said loudly as a way to get everyone's attention.

"Please get into your dance positions." She said as everyone stopped socializing getting into positions.

You face your back towards Minghao's chest as he cleared his throat.

"Are you alright? You had a lot to drink at the party." Minghao quickly whispered.

"Yes I'm okay, thank you for helping Hyunjin find me that night." You said turning a bit to look at him.

"Anytime." Minghao said.

Then the music began.

Everyone began dancing in sync as your instructor watched closely.

"Stop!" She said as everyone froze in place.

"You all are dancing with your bodies! But your facial expressions are not there. You guys aren't convincing me that this is a love story. Start over!" Your instructor said loudly.

Everyone got back into their starting positions ready to start over.

The music began as everyone fixed their facial expressions.

After running the dance almost 15 times rehearsals were over.

You walked outside with your duffel bag as Hyunjin waited for you on the bench infront of the performing arts building.

"Y/n wait up!" You heard Minghao say as you turned around.

"Hey, what's up?" You asked as he finally caught up to you.

"Would you like to get coffee in the morning." He asked.

"Oh no, sorry I can't. I'm ditching my first class to go look at apartments." You explained.

"Oh that's okay, good luck with that." He said giving a small smile.

"I'll see you later Hao." You said as you walked out of the building making your way to Hyunjin leaving him standing there, maybe he should just give up.

You tapped Hyunjin's shoulder as he got up from the bench turning around and grabbing your bag from you as he then gave you a kiss.

"How was rehearsal's?" He asked as you both made your way to the parking lot.

"It was good, started off ruff but at the end we all did well." You said.

"That's good, let's go get Yomi." Hyunjin said as you nodded.

"Can I drive?" You asked as he shook his head yes taking the keys out of his pocket giving them to you.

"Did I tell you about my family's dinner this weekend?" Hyunjin asked.

"Nope, what time?" You asked.

"Around 7, it will be nice." He said.

"Alright, I'll clear out my schedule." You added.

"What schedule?" Hyunjin asked.

"I was invited to another party, this one was just a pool party. Who swims in the fall anyways." You shrugged.

"Y/n you don't plan on partying all school year do you?" Hyunjin asked catching you a little off gaurd offending you a bit.

"What do you mean 'all year'. Of course I would like to party a bit this year, I wanted to have fun my college years." You said.

"Yeah I know that, but we are also parents. We can't be partying all the time and putting our responsibilities as parents onto other people." Hyunjin said.

"Yes that's true, but I don't want to just be 'the mom' of our school. I want to be more than that Hyunjin." You said.

"Going to parties can help me meet important people." You added.

"Like who?" He asked with a raise of his brow.

"People that can help me be something, you know I take dance very seriously." You said.

"Okay y/n." He said wanting to end the argument.

"What do you mean 'okay'?" You said offended as you finally pulled up infront of Hyunjin's parents house.

"As in 'whatever you say'." Hyunjin said as he got out the car leaving you there.

Hyunjin then came back with Yomi strapping her into the backseat.

As he then got back into the passenger seat.

"Hyunjin..." you started as he stopped you.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Let's just go home, I'll order us food." He said rolling down the window and looking out of it as you started the car making your way home.

Walking into the house you saw Chan sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys!" He greeted as you greeted him back going to the bathroom.

"What's wrong with her? Is everything okay?" Chan asked Hyunjin as he shrugged walking into the room shutting the door.

"Trouble in paradise." Chan said getting up and walking into his room.

Walking out of the bathroom with your towel on you walked into the room shutting the door.

You took your towel off hanging it up as Hyunjin watched you.

He then sat his phone down closing his eyes, you were making it so hard for him to stay mad at you.

You put on shorts and a t-shirt as you then walked over to Hyunjin straddling him.

"Y/n..." he said.

"Please, let's not fight. I don't like it when we argue, and I hate when you ignore me. It makes me upset..." you said as you began crying as he sat up pulling you into a hug rubbing your back.

"I'm sorry baby, it's just a lot going on with both of us. And adding extra stuff like going to parties isn't something you can always do right now. That time will come, I want you to find those opportunities. And promise me you can find them not only at parties.." he said as he stopped hugging you wiping your tears.

"Your dreams will come true, we just have to work harder to let things become easier. Okay..?" He said kissing you on your forehead as you nodded.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you." You said.

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