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The bath with Hyunjin was so comforting for you. As the whole time you both just sat there enjoying each other's presence.

Hyunjin helped you get dressed giving a pair of your pajama shorts and one of his shirts.

He then quickly got dressed after joining you in bed cuddling you as you both just talked.

Hyunjin's phone then began ranging.

He looked at the caller ID then clicked decline.

The person called again as he loudly sighed clicking decline as they called again.

"Hyunjin who's calling you at this time of night?" You said moving from his embrace sitting up.

"Just this girl, I think she got the wrong message from me or something I really don't know-" you cut him off while he began explaining.

"Nari?" You asked catching him off gaurd.

"Why'd you look so shock just now..." you questioned his reaction.

"Nothing, let's just go back to be please baby." Hyunjin said grabbing your hand as you moved your hand away.

"Hyunjin I don't trust you right now, why are you reacting this way. Did something happen between you two?" You said staring to get frustrated.

"She kissed me." He said.

"Did you kiss back?" You asked.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Hyunjin? Did you kiss her back...?" You asked again feeling your throat start to hurt as you felt tears coming.

"It was more of a reaction then a kiss back. But after I left. And I don't know what to do because we have a performance with her next week and ever since she keeps calling me asking why I didn't continue the kiss or why I didn't have sex with her, y/n I'm sorry." Hyunjin said grabbing your hand as the tears were already falling down your face.

"I need to go." You said getting up as Hyunjin quickly followed you.

"Please don't leave y/n." Hyunjin begged.

"I need to clear my head Hyune. I don't know what hurts more the fact that I will see her at your performance, or the you kissing her back, or the messages I saw earlier that I don't fully understand because I couldn't finish reading them." You said put a pair of sweatpants over your shorts.

"I'll give you my phone to read them now, please just don't go." Hyunjin said as he quickly went over to his dresser grabbing his phone as you continued getting dressed.

He gave you his phone as you sat on the bed with him joining you.

You scrolled up to where you left off at.

Nari: Hyunjin I didn't mean to kiss you, but damn you didn't have to leave so quickly.

Hyunjin: I have a girlfriend

Nari: Yeah I know, but she can't do the things I can do to you

Hyunjin: please just stop texting me, we are just dance partners that is strictly it.

Nari: wow that's all you feel

Hyunjin: yes, that's all I feel. I'm only tolerating you because the boys like you.

"Hyunjin why didn't you tell the boys how Nari acts towards you?" you stopped reading as you asked him.

"Because this opportunity for us to have new partners for our group is really important to us. But I feel like it's too late for me to tell Lee Know and for him to have to change the choreo up a bit to exclude her." Hyunjin said looking down at his hands.

You grabbed his face gently making him look at you.

"Please don't force yourself to be comfortable to make the people around you comfortable Hyune. It's not fair to yourself." You said as you then kissed him on the lips.

As you then gave him his phone getting up off the bed leaving him confused.

"I'm going to crash at Momo's tonight. I need to think." You said as you grabbed your phone.

You then left shutting the door behind you as Hyunjin didn't know how to react to you leaving him, he didn't know if you would come back and that scared him. He was scared to lose you.

While in the car with Momo you told her everything.

"Can you believe that bitch, he hung up and she just kept calling him. She's so weird." You rambled.

"And who the fuck does she think she is talking bad about me." You continued.

"I have an idea." Momo said smirking at you.

The next day Momo let you borrow her clothes.

While Hyunjin was practicing with his group you stopped the music.

"Who's Nari?" you asked as one of the girls raised their hands you walked over to her slapping her as she loudly gasped as Hyunjin and Lee Know quickly walked over to be sure to stop whatever may happen.

"Leave my boyfriend alone bitch!" You yelled at her.

"Your just jealous I could give him what you haven't been able to give him for the past few months whore!" She yelled back.

"Bitch he clearly doesn't want you so back off! And stop calling him!" You said as Hyunjin dragged you out of the room.

"Y/n calm down!" Hyunjin said sternly.

"Please I didn't want you to say anything..!" He said frustrated.

"Now Lee Know has to change the choreography and everything else." Hyunjin said as his voice began to rise from the frustration.

"Actually she texted me last night." Lee know said as Nari came out the room with her things looking at both you and Hyunjin then rolling her eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us how she was acting towards you Hyunjin, your comfort is important to us to." Lee Know said as he put his hands in pockets.

"I just didn't want you stressed." Hyunjin said looking down.

"Yeah but if me being stressed makes you comfortable I'm willing to take the risk." Lee Know said as he walked over to Hyunjin putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you y/n." Hyunjin said as he hugged you.

(Please read)
A/N: Hey guyssss!! TYSM for all the reads,votes,comments etc!!!🤍🤍 Now I do want to adress some things when I first started this book I honestly didn't really take a seriously I never really saw myself as the type to write ff or to even enjoy writing in general until I began this book. Yes as I continue this story you can see a bit of improvements on the way I write and I do notice when you guys point out mistakes and I do appreciate it, and I do want to fix them but I never really have the time to unpublish things because I just keep wondering. What if this is someone's comfort story? What if someone won't like the changes? I just have many questions Yk? But I really hope you guys are continuing to enjoy my book and many chapters to come and even a season two!!! BYEEEE

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