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"Hyunjin..." you said as you laid on your side cuddled up to Hyunjin.

"Yes..?" He said sleepily.

"Sometimes I wonder if I'm really ready to have a kid." You said wake him up out of his sleepy state.

"Why do you think that?" Hyunjin said as you sat up beginning to cry.

"Oh no, baby please don't cry. Talk to me...." Hyunjin said sitting up grabbing your hand.

"It's just that what if I'm not the same! What if my body doesn't function the same or look the same!" You said continuing to cry.

"Baby that's okay! If you forget anything, or need anything. I will be here to help. Even if that means I have to do some things for you. Please don't stress out anything. You have came so far! Only 3 more months okay. And then I'll beautiful baby will be here. And you will even have time to train before we start school. Everything's going to be ok." Hyunjin said as he then pulled you into him rubbing your back as he then kissed your forehead.

You laid back down going to sleep quickly by the comfort of your pillow as Hyunjin cuddled up to you.

You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock, Monday morning. Only one more month before you and Hyunjin's graduation.

Hyunjin was already in the bathroom washing his face.

You got up walking to the bathroom getting on your tippy toes to give Hyunjin a kiss on the cheek as you then grabbed your toothbrush brushing your teeth.

"Not sure if I want to do my makeup today..." you said while washing your face.

"You look beautiful either way, did you start trying new colors like you wanted to?" Hyunjin asked as he put on face cream.

"Yes I have actually, usually when I'm off work I practice different makeup styles. I took some pictures to show you." You said as you ran over to your phone that was on the nightstand.

You handed your phone to Hyunjin.

"I put them all in a photo album." You said as you walked out of the bathroom going to the closet quickly putting on your uniform.

You walked over to the dresser grabbing your eyeliner,blush and mascara as you went to the bathroom putting it on.

"Y/n imma go make you a fruit salad." Hyunjin said loud enough for you to hear as you finished up putting on your makeup.

You then brushed you hair down putting a couple of colorful hair clips on the side.

You grabbed your backpack and Hyunjin's also grabbing his phone as you walked downstairs.

"Ahh y/n let me take that." Hyunjin said as he grabbed the back packs from you then putting his phone in his pocket.

"I'm pregnant not weak." You said rolling your eyes.

"Yeah,yeah. Grab your breakfast so you can eat it in the car." Hyunjin said as he made his way to the door.

Humming the lyrics to DNA as you ate the fruit salad for him also sharing with Hyunjin as he hummed along with you.

"I think we have a doctors appointment this weekend." Hyunjin said as he focused on the road.

"I thought everything was alright?" You said while putting another peice of fruit in your mouth.

"Yeah but I looked up online why you keep eating an insanely amount of ice, and it says your iron may be low so, I contacted the doctor and she said you may need to start taking iron." Hyunjin explained.

"Always making sure I'm healthy, thank you so much Mr.Hwang." You said jokingly as Hyunjin rolled his eyes at you.

Sitting in English class writing an essay you suddenly felt a kick.

"Huh?" You said to yourself.

"Ms.Y/n, everything alright?" Your teacher asked suddenly looking up at you for you disturbing the quiet.

"Yes Ms.Lee, it's just that my baby kicked." You said as everyone in the class let out a variety of.

"So cute."
"How adorable."

"That's so lovely Y/n, now everyone please continue your studies only 40 minutes left in class I'm sure you can all finish by then right?" Your teacher said as everyone said "yes ma'am" going back to finish up their work.

Sitting at the lunch table with Momo and Felix, Momo told you and Felix about the date she had later today.

"Momo you should totally wear that outfit we bought at the mall some time ago, I'm sure he would love it! Even though you look good in anything." You said as you continued eating.

"What about you Felix? Any dates or anything?" You asked.

"Nah, to much on my plate to focus on a relationship. Besides I'm not really sure anyone likes me like that anyways." Felix shrugged as both and you and Momo looked at him with serious faces.

"Just hush." You said as you put a rice ball in his mouth making Momo laugh.

"He always says that as if there aren't like hundreds of girls and guys always staring at him everywhere we go." You said rolling your eyes at how clueless Felix can be sometimes.

"Anyways, I can't believe we all graduate in a month. I'm so excited." Momo said clapping her hands cheerfully.

"This will be so fun for us, a huge transitional period too." You said.

"Yeah but, I do keep wondering about how stressful college will be for us as well." Felix said.

A/n:hope you guys liked this chapter I will be posting more all this week!

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