•Part sixteen

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You found your arms resting on his shoulders, your hands playing with his hair whilst his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you to straddle his legs.

He let out a soft and quiet groan as you placed yourself onto him, his lips moved away from yours and started to kiss down your neck. Your hands were pulling at his hair now as he used his hands to roam around your back.

Fred managed to find a sensitive spot on your neck, right by your collarbone. He started to kiss and suck down on your neck, smirking as small noises came out of your mouth.

"Fucking hell." You said and accidentally yanked his hair because of the pleasure. "Sorry."

"Pull my hair as much as you want to, love." He said and moved away from your neck to kiss your lips again. "We had a time limit in here, we might need to go back down to the common room or they will all think we are actually having sex up here."

"Is that such a bad thing though?" You asked.

"Fuck no." Fred smiled and passionately kissed you again.

You and Fred were interrupted by a loud banging noise on the door, both of you groaned at the same time. You climbed off of him and sat down at the end of his bed as he went and opened his door to see Lee there.

"Everyone's getting bored, sorry I had to cut your sex short." Lee said then turned back around to go to the common room again.

The two of you caught up with Lee and walked to the common room with him together. You had a smile on your face still, so did Fred.

Everyone continued to play truth or dare. There was a lot more kissing, drinking and smoking involved. Almost everyone was either stoned, drunk or both.

You had only been drinking, you hadn't touched anything like a cigarette, you didn't want to.

"Emily, dare or truth?" Lee asked you.

"Dare." You replied.

"I dare you to whisper your biggest secret right now to Anthony or Fred, and whoever you decide has to say if he wants tell us what that secret is." Lee smirked.

You turned to look at both of the boys next to you. Fred motioned for you to whisper it to Anthony, so you did.

You broke your promise. You promised you wouldn't tell anyone at all about it, but you were basically forced to because of the Veritaserum you had drank. You could only pray that Anthony wouldn't tell anyone or let her know that he knows.

"Jamie has cancer and is refusing to do some chemotherapy. My baby sister is dying and I haven't been able to talk anyone about it." You whispered in Anthony's ear and you practically heard his jaw drop.

"Wait what? Are you fucking with me right now?" He asked in complete disbelief, a horrified look in his eyes.

"No." Your voice broke.

"Guys, give us a minute. Sorry." Anthony put his beer in Lee's empty hand and grabbed your hand, pulling you up and taking you to your dorm.

He shut the door, hugging you straight away.

"Please tell me this is some sort of sick joke." He begged.

"I really wish it was." You had started to cry. "We all found out a few months ago, she's been refusing any type of help like chemo ever since. Me, Theo and our father have all been trying to convince her to go through with it but she won't."

"Do you think she'd listen to me? She's like my little sister as well, we can't lose her." Anthony said, his voice breaking slightly at the thought of Jamie passing away.

"I don't think she is going to listen to anyone, Ant." You cried into his chest. "I'd lose myself if something bad happens to her, and she's not doing anything to make herself better."

"Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?" He asked as one of her tears dropped onto your head.

"Because we all promised to not tell anyone. I only told you because of the truth potion. I'm so sorry, Anthony." You sobbed.

"It's okay, don't worry, Emily." He comforted you. "Let's just stay in here tonight. They won't mind, I'm sure."

"Are you alright with that?" You looked up.

"I'm more than alright with it. I don't think I can really pretend to have fun in the common room after this." He laughed slightly but the two of you knew it wasn't a genuine laugh.

"Me neither." You sighed and wiped away your tears after pulling away from his hug. "Go get changed and tell them we won't be back, I'll get changed as well."

"See you in a minute then." He said and left.

You got changed into a pair of jogging bottoms and a matching jumper you have with your two siblings, you also grabbed a pair of fluffy Christmas socks and put them on your feet.

After grabbing an extra two blankets, you got really comfy in your bed and left enough space for Anthony. He came back in a white vest shirt and a pair of grey jogging bottoms, the same fluffy socks on his feet as yours.

He jumped into your bed with you and the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms after thinking in silence for a while.

You weren't sure about what he was thinking of, but you were thinking about life and death. You, your father and your brother would be the only ones left in your family after Jamie passes away. You know it will happen soon as she isn't getting any type of help, it's almost like she has been planning this for ages now.

Your life when Jamie passed away would change so much and not for the better. There would be almost nothing to get excited about, no more sneaking out of the house to get some hot chocolate on Christmas Eve with her and Theodore. No more tickling everyone in the house together to wake up on their birthday.

No more special sister bonding.

Word count : 1034

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