•Extra part

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Hey guys, this is the last part of this story! I hope you've enjoyed it!

Fifteen years later..

"Everybody downstairs, we need to leave!" Your husband called up the stairs of your house.

Three red-head kids came running down the stairs with a bag each full of stuff. You, your husband Fred, and your kids were all staying at your brother, Theo's, house with his family for Christmas. Ever since your father and your sister passed away on Christmas and New Years Day, you spent those days with Theo.

For fifteen years, you have always spent them days with your younger brother so you wouldn't have to feel alone on their death anniversary. No matter what state of mind the two of you were in, you would be together.

"Are we all ready?" Your husband, Fred, asked your kids.

"I am!" Eva Ginny Weasley, your youngest child and daughter, exclaimed.

"So am I." Jesse Sirius Weasley, the middle child and your only son, added on.

Your eldest daughter, Bella Jamie Weasley, didn't say anything, she only nodded her head. The five of you all grabbed hands and apparated to Theo's house.

You were all greeted at the front door by your niece and nephew, twins. Your niece, Jamie Nicola Anderson-Richardson, hugged your daughter Eva. The two have been best friends ever since they were born, but they've been closer than ever since they joined Hogwarts.

Your nephew, Anthony Theodore Anderson-Richardson, gave his cousin, Jesse a high five and walked into their house with him.

The rest of your family followed them inside and you were met with your brother, who you hadn't seen in a while. You ran up to him and jumped in his arms, him spinning you around and hugging you back.

"Mum, stop it you're so embarrassing." Bella rolled her eyes and walked into Theo's living room to see her other Uncle, her favourite one.

Theo grew up and met a man at work, Barry Richardson, They fell in love and adopted their twins a few years ago, eight years ago. They are both eleven years old and so is Eva, all three of them are in their first year of Hogwarts.

Jesse is in the year above them, he is eleven, and the only one out of your side of the family who is in the second year of Hogwarts. The oldest in the family is Bella, she is fourteen and in her fifth year of Hogwarts.

Bella was conceived the day Fred took you to the burrow for the first time, the day of your younger sister's death. You accidentally had unprotected sex with Fred at eighteen, and ended up having a baby a few days after your nineteenth birthday.

You and her have had multiple joint birthday parties throughout the years she had been alive. She was probably your favourite daughter, no matter how many times you argue or disagree on something, because you two understood each other a lot.

"Hey, Uncle Barry." Bella greeted her favourite uncle and gave him a hug.

She sat down on their couch and you hugged your brother-in-law.

"How are you, Barry?" You asked him and sat opposite them.

"I'm doing okay. Theo's been trying his best to distract himself as usual, so I've been taking care of the kids. They've been wearing me out." He sighed and smiled afterwards. "I've been trying to help Theodore, but he keeps saying he doesn't want or need my help."

"That's been the exact same for my Emily." Fred said as he walked into the room with the all of the kids. "She keeps on denying my help even though it's so clear she needs it."

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