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Lincoln wake up noticing Emmanuel reading a book.

Emmanuel: you awake.

Lincoln: morning, how was last night?

Emmanuel: don't worry too much about it.

Lincoln: so are you going to show me your Mangekyo abilities.

Emmanuel: maybe another time, I picked up some pizza last night so help yourself.

Lincoln: okay.

Emmanuel: then we'll go get a color for hair.

Lincoln: okay.

Emmanuel: then we'll continue with your hand to hand training.

Lincoln: I-

Emmanuel: don't worry I'm kidding, I'll show you how to use genjutsu and a couple movies.

Lincoln: okay.

Emmanuel: ........

Lincoln: I'll go get ready.


Lincoln walked up to Emmanuel who was reading a book.

Lincoln: I'm ready.

Emmanuel: .....*sigh* you wanna to train you first or the hair first.

Lincoln: let train first.

Emmanuel: okay.

He gets up and both head to the door before walking out.


Lincoln and Emmanuel where standing across a clone of Lincoln.

Emmanuel: try again.

Lincoln: okay.

Lincoln clone: I'm getting bored.

Lincoln: you're not helping.

Lincoln clone: I'm standing here aren't I.

Emmanuel: his kinda right.

Lincoln: can't you just put him in the genjutsu so I copy you.

Emmanuel: you can't really copy everything you need to learn so you can get your own move and abilities.

Lincoln: fine.

Lincoln clone: can I try instead?

Emmanuel: sure.

Lincoln: what!

Emmanuel: come over here.

The clone walked to them.

Emmanuel: make four more clones.

Lincoln does so before Emmanuel dragged one of them to the first two.

Emmanuel: okay you three get to it and if it works I'll show you three how to break it.

Lincoln: let's get to it guys.

Emmanuel: are you trying anything.

Lincolns: um?

Emmanuel: don't forget to imagine what you want in the genjutsu.

Lincolns: got it!

Emmanuel: I'll be over there reading, and I'm not putting you in a genjutsu my eyes hurt.

Lincoln: we're in this for a while guys, guys?

Lincoln noticed they were all gone.

Lincoln: Darn it, I was the one who was supposed to cast the genjutsu.

The rest appeared with one of the clone on the other side holding his sharingan.

Lincoln: not cool clone three.

Lincoln clone3: I'm over here.

Lincoln: then who are you.

Clone 5: let's just say I'm better than you losers.

Clone 1: we're the same person idiot.

Clone 4: you're kinda stupid you know.

Clone 3: if I'm stupid that makes all of you all stupid.

They all continued to argue before fighting then pulling the real one in.

Lincoln: that's it.

Emmanuel and Lincoln's first clone where watching the others.

Clone: you think they'll catch up.

Emmanuel: in do time, let's see how they do, how long can you hold it?

Clone: I don't really know.

Emmanuel: what are they doing anyway?

Clone: just fighting.

Emmanuel: I think I like you.

Clone: thanks.


It had gotten dark out with Lincoln and the clones all on the ground tired before Emmanuel and the first clone walked up to them.

Emmanuel: I'll teach you how to break it tomorrow.

The four other clones puffed leaving the real Lincoln.

Lincoln: *pant* o-okay.

Clone: happy to help.

The first clone puffed.

Emmanuel: let's go get dinner.

Lincoln: g-give me a minute.

Hey everyone thanks for reading but I want to readers to choose a color for Lincoln hair in the next chapter.

Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB)Where stories live. Discover now