𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏

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  Every summer since Aurélie could remember, the Beauforts had been spending their summers, every summer in Cousins. Cousins was her home, her family was there, her friends were there, and he was there.

It had been two summers since Aurélie had been to Cousins. It wasn't because she didn't want to go, she would've loved to, but the first summer she spent the whole 3 months visiting colleges with for her older brother and herself. And the next summer visiting family in France for the first time in years.

So the day school let out, Aurélie was already packing her bag to drive up to Cousins for the first time in two years. But most importantly, she was excited to see the neighbors, the Fisher boys.

"Maybe this is the summer the Fishers will totally fall in love with you," Delphine Beaufort laughed from her sister's bed as she watched her pack. "Oh yeah, and what makes you think that?" Aurélie laughed as she zipped up her suitcase.

"You're gorgeous, babe! You were pretty before, but now you're stunningly pretty! They'd be stupid not to notice you!" Delphine threw a throw pillow at Aurélie. "Hey, those aren't to throw at me!" Aurélie swatted it from her face. "They're throw pillows for a reason!" Delphine laughed.

"I think it's a long shot for them to fall in love with me, Delphine. And besides, it's a hot girl summer, I broke up with Chase for a reason," Aurélie stood up, tossing her pillow back on her bed. "Yeah, because he was a douchebag," Delphine rolled her eyes.

"Can we not talk about my off-putting ex, please? Let's jam out to Taylor while I drive us to the beach, bitch!" Aurélie smirked, slinging her bag over her shoulder and grabbing her phone, walking out of the house.

"Your Father and I are coming up in a week for your birthday, darling," Sabine Beaufort kissed her eldest daughter's cheek as they packed up Aurélie's car. "Give Susannah and Laurel my love, and be safe," Sabine kissed Delphine's cheek. "Love you, maman," the girls kissed their mother goodbye.


The drive to their beach house was always amazing. The view was always amazing, and the rush of excitement of knowing she was going to see her friends again. Even though she continuously ignored her feelings for the Fisher boys, her heart fluttered at the thought of seeing Conrad again.

"THE STORY STARTS WHEN IT WAS HOT AND IT WAS SUMMER. AND I HAD IT ALL, I HAD HIM RIGHT THERE WHERE I WANTED HIM!" Aurélie and Delphine screamed in her bmw as they made the drive to Cousins.

Taylor Swift was blasting on the aux, it was the only thing that the sisters would listen to on repeat. "I have to stop for gas, get us some good snack," Aurélie pulled over at the gas station they always stop at. "I'll grab a pack of diet coke for the house too," Delphine hopped out of the suv.

Aurélie unbuckled her seatbelt, and popped open the gas tank, sticking the pump into the hole. "Aurélie? Aurélie Beaufort?" A tall, muscular bruntette walked up to her. Aurélie turned around, her hair flipping over her shoulder, and a smile etched onto her face.

"Mason! Oh my gosh!" Aurélie flung her arms around him. "So you guys are back for the summer? It's been a while," Mason flashed a white smile at her. "Yeah, we've been busy the past two summers, but we're back," She chuckled.

"I'll see you at the bonfire tonight, right?" Mason started backing away. "Yeah, me and Delphine wouldn't miss it!" Aurélie grinned. "Great. See you later, Aurélie," Mason winked at the blonde, whose heart fluttered.

Mason was her first kiss when she was 14, three years ago. It was short and quick, but for the rest of the summer, her heart beat only for Mason Taylor.

𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now