𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Aurélie decided to take a walk on the beach, trying to get rid of the alcohol in her system. This wasn't exactly the birthday she pictured, if you catch the drift.

She was angry at herself for letting what happened with Mason get that far, even though it was not even close to being her fault.

She exhaled sharply, looking up at the sky, her eyes welling with tears. "God, I fucking hate this world!" Aurélie screamed, clamping her hand over her mouth as soon as she did.

She slowly sat down, pulling her knees to her chest, not caring that her dress was being covered in dirty sand.

Aurélie continued to watch the sky, the clouds moving in slow motion, the stars twinkling above them. Tears streamed down her face.

For some odd reason, she cried every year on her birthday. Even it was a good one, she always cried.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" She brings her head up to find Conrad standing in front off her, kneeled down.

"I'm-I'm fine, Conrad," Aurélie wiped the tears from under her eyes, looking to the side. "Ellie, you're not fine. And it's okay that you're not fine," Conrad pushed her hair behind her ears, bringing her face to look at his.

Aurélie broke into tears. Hearing someone tell her it was okay that she wasn't okay made her feel relieved. Especially since that person was Conrad.

"Hey, come here," Conrad pulled her into a hug, both of them sitting on the beach together now. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Aurélie shook her head, blowing out air. "Okay, we don't have to talk. We can sit here together, watching the stars."

Conrad moved her to where she was sitting in between his legs, leaning against his chest with his arms around her.

Tonight was not what she expected at all. From everything that happened with Mason, to spending her birthday night on the beach in Conrad's arms.

This is the one thing that made today even relatively good.


The next morning, Aurélie woke up in Conrad's arms. On the beach. He must have gone back for some towels and blankets because they were comfortably sprawled out on a beach towels, covered in blankets.

"How do you feel?" Conrad said, feeling the blonde's eyes on him. "Better. Thank you, Con," Aurélie sat up, fixing the sleeves of her dress.

"I read your letter," Aurélie looked out at the water in front of them. "You-you did?" Conrad cleared his throat. "What did-what did you, um, think?"

"I thought about the casualties of this. What about Nicole? You guys are together, aren't you?" Aurélie searched his eyes, looking for his answer.

"It's..it's complicated," Conrad answered, sitting up to face her. "I-I can't do complicated, it doesn't work. I'm not a second choice either," Aurélie grabbed her shoes, standing up.

"You're not a second choice, Ellie. You're my first. You've always been my first," Conrad stood up, grabbing her hands.

"It doesn't feel like that, Con. If I was the first choice, it wouldn't be complicated in the first place." "I'm ending things with her. I'll do it today," Conrad looked in her eyes, then down at their hands.

"Con-" "No, I'll do it today. You said things wouldn't be complicated if you were the first choice. Well, you are. So I'm gonna uncomplicate things."

"No, you're not. Nicole just threw me a party last night, and I am not repaying her with her boyfriend breaking up with her to get with me," Aurélie shook her head, pulling her hands away.

"I'm not her boyfriend," Conrad sighed. "Well, you're not mine either. I have to go," Aurélie looked up at him.

In a flash of a second, Conrad pulled her face to his, pressing his lips to her own. One of his hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer, while the other held her face.

Aurélie reacted in a way she didn't expect, holding his face in her hands, letting Conrad's other hand drop to her waist.

Conrad pulled back, smiling. Glad he finally kissed her. Aurélie froze for a second thinking about what just happened. "You can clean this up, right?" Aurélie backed away, picking up her shoes.

"I got it, Ellie," Conrad smiled, watching her freak out on the inside, being cool on the out. "Okay, I'm gonna go."

"See you back at the house!" Conrad called after her. She walked back, raising her shoes in the air to signify she heard him.


liked by: conradfisher, jeremiahfisher, andrébeaufort, and 148 more

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liked by: conradfisher, jeremiahfisher, andrébeaufort, and 148 more

caption: You're just jealous because I'm young and in love. 18 forever

tagged: conradfisher, jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin


bellyconklin: really ate that up, elle!! 👑                                                          reply: what can I say??

conradfisher: it's my birthday girl, hbd you're the great one                   reply:  thanks but you're the great one, con

delphinebeaufort: i can't believe you're legal!! behave yourself fille!! reply: always bébé 😘

(the couple pictures are conrad on the top, and jeremiah on the bottom with our girl ellie. and they're in the big picture too)

author's note!

hey guys i changed this chapter because it didn't fit the story. Sorry to those of you liked it, but this is the new one. It's fit this story much better.

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