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Aurélie got into Jeremiah's car as the other three went into Conrad's. "No one else wanted a ride with me?" He asked confused.

"I guess not," Aurélie chuckled, fixing her rings, "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, with the tourney. I-I just get really competitive, and-are you mad at me?" Aurélie interrupted herself.

"Nah, it's all good. Conrad's the better player anyway. So, I heard he may be taking you to the ball," Jeremiah said, looking over at Aurélie.

She was confused, Conrad had never said anything and neither had Aurélie. Why would he think she was going with Conrad?

"Who told you that?" Aurélie chuckles. "No one, it was just a guess," Jeremiah chuckled nervously, directing his attention to the road.

"Well, he's not. Um, can you-can you pull over?" Aurélie points at the side of the road. "Yeah, absolutely."

Aurélie unbuckled her seatbelt, and so did Jeremiah. They both turned towards each other, waiting for what Aurélie wanted to say.

"Thank you. For coming to get me," Aurélie smiled faintly. "Elle, I'll always come and get you," Jeremiah smiled, leaving them in silence. "Can you hear that?" Aurélie giggled.

"Hear what?" Jeremiah looked out the window. "My heart. It's-it's beating really fast," she took his hand, placing it over her heart, her hand staying on his.

"Yeah. It's beating really fast," He smiled, pulling her face towards his, kissing her gently. Aurélie moved her hand lower, and Jeremiah broke the kiss.

"Are you sure?" Aurélie nodded, she'd made her decision the second she called Jeremiah. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him again.

Now Aurélie was the one to break the kiss, resting her forehead against Jeremiah's. "So, will you be my escort to the ball?" Aurélie chuckled.

Jeremiah kissed her softly, smiling as he gave her his answer. "Of course I'll be your escort, Elle."


It was now Aurélie's bed time, and she laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. That's when she heard her phone ding from her bedside table.

She sat up, her phone in her hands, reading the message. It was Conrad.

It read, "Are you still awake?" She looked out the window, and he was standing down there by the tree he used to climb up.

"Hey," Aurélie opened the window, leaning out. Conrad started climbing the tree, taking the initiative.

"Please stop texting me. It's triggering, Con. Bad things happen when you text me," Aurélie stepped back as he climbed through the window.

"I know. I know and I'm sorry. Ellie, I'm really sorry. I keep doing the wrong thing when it comes to you. And like I said in my text, you deserve the world, and if I could give it to you, I would."

Conrad reached for her hand, taking it in hers. "I know it's too late for me to ask. But I want you to have this," Conrad places a velvet bag in the palm of her hand.

Aurélie quietly gasped as she opened the bag to find a pair of earrings. "You don't have to keep them, or..anything. I'd get it. If you want to chuck them into the ocean I don't blame you. I was awful, and you didn't deserve that."

Conrad stopped talking, looking down at Aurélie who was silent. "What?" She spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I-I don't want to lose you," Conrad whispered back. Aurélie looked up at him, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Con, it's too late," Aurélie put the bag into his hand, turning her back away from him.

Conrad was speechless. He walked to the window, grabbing the frame, he turned to look at her before leaving. He noticed her body shaking slightly. She was crying.

"I'm sorry Ellie."


"Can you believe Belly's taking Cam Cameron to the deb ball?" Jeremiah laughed as he and Aurélie walked along the beach swinging their hands.

"Yeah, I figured she would. I'm proud of our little girl," Aurélie chuckled, her feet covered in sand, "Where are we going, Jere?"

"I know a spot," he smirked at the blonde girl. "Fine, but you better not make me late. I need to be early!" Aurélie leaned her head against him.

"Okay, Elle Bear. I got you," Jeremiah smiled, stopping them at a secluded beach.

He pulled a big towel out of the bag he was carrying and a box of honey nut cheerios. "Are those honey nut?" Aurélie gasped.

"They sure are! I thought we could have a little breky and watch the sun rise. Hence the really early morning," Jeremiah sat down, patting the spot next to him.

"I love it, Jere. Thank you," Aurélie kissed his lips. He sat her in between his legs, letting her lean against him, the cheerios on her lap to share.

"You're amazing, you know that?" Jeremiah kissed the side of her cheek. "I try," Aurélie chuckled, turning her head to look at him, pressing her lips to his.

 "I try," Aurélie chuckled, turning her head to look at him, pressing her lips to his

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liked by: jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin, aureliebeaufort

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liked by: jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin, aureliebeaufort

caption: deb ball sunrise!! 🌅

tagged: jeremiahfisher


jeremiahfisher: i'll take mornings like this forever                                              reply: me too jere

shaylaa: noo you're cheating on me with jere??? elle belle!!!                          reply: never shay!! i love you too much! 

taylorjewel: omg elle!!! get it babe!!! 😉                                                             reply: taylor!!!!

author's note!

hey y'all!! i'm so sorry for the short chapter!! i'm really busy this week, and I'm trying to keep getting stuff out to you within the week! 

what do you guys think about this jeremiah thing?? idk y'all?!? it's weird i have to say... anyways, thanks for reading!! y'all mean so much to me!!

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