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Later that night, all the girls started playing Never Have I Ever on the boat. It was around 9 pm and Aurélie's eyes felt heavy. She had three fingers down at this point, trying to stay awake.

"Put a finger down if you've ever made out with two people within 24 hours of each other," Taylor laughed.

Aurélie slowly lowered a finger as Belly watched, slapping her mouth, "You're giving me the details later tonight."

"Okay, put a finger down if you've ever used a stuffed animal to...you know," Gigi laughed with a knowing look.

Aurélie grimaced as Taylor put a finger down. "His name was Harry Bear Styles," Taylor shrugged. "Taylor, that's awful! Poor Harry!" Delphine gasped.

"You had a name for yours?" "Okay, put a finger down if you've ever had sex."

Delphine looked around the boat, noticing she and Belly were the only ones who didn't put a finger down.

"If you've been to third?" They couldn't believe it. "Put a finger down if you've ever been to second?" They tried one last time, and Aurélie finally put a finger down.

"Oh my god! Elle!" Gigi laughed, her eyes wide. "Wait, Elle, we want all the tea," Nicole looked at her.

"Um, I mean, there's not much to tell. He's, he's like my best friend," Aurélie pulled her hands into her lap. "Jeremiah, right?" "Sorry, Gigi."

"No it's fine! When did it start?" "Um, about a week ago. We kissed in the pool at his house." "I'm glad you and Jeremiah are going somewhere. I guess I had the wrong brother," Nicole gave her friend a warm smile.

That just made Aurélie feel guilty, because she knew Conrad was ending things with Nicole so he could be with Aurélie.

"Uh, yeah, no. It's, um..." "Enough about Jeremiah. Uh, put finger down if you've ever been skinny-dipping," Taylor changed the subject.

"Put a finger down if you've ever gone skinny-dipping at Hopper's Cove," Nicole smirked. "Is that a dare?" Taylor scoffed. "Absolutely," They all began to laugh.


They were all in the water now, splashing one another. Laughing as they played games, "Taylor!" Belly screamed as the brunette threw more water towards her face.

Delphine turned to Aurélie, splashing her in the face. "Lee, I swear!" Aurélie gasped, trying not to inhale the water. When Delphine didn't stop, Aurélie began to splash her back.

"Hey, watch out for jellyfish!" Gigi ran down the dock, "I do not want to have to pee on any of you guys."

"The other two girls missed out," Nicole floated. "I know! I figured Dara wouldn't, but Marissa?" Aurélie shook her head sighing.

"Nicole! Conrad's texting you!" Gigi yelled as someone's phone went off. Aurélie wiggled her eyebrows at Nicole as she swam back, playfully splashing water at the blonde.

Aurélie was floating like a starfish. "This is so nice," Belly spoke. "Have to admit guys, I like your friends," Taylor looked at Belly, and then Aurélie.

"Yeah, they're really nice for deb girls," Delphine snickered, knowing how those girls could be. "I knew you would!" Aurélie pointed her finger at her sister.

The four girls turned their heads at the sound of a car pulling away. "Shit. Shit!" Aurélie exhaled, starting to swim back to the dock but Taylor beat her.

"Fuck! They took all our clothes," Delphine groaned, feeling weird about skinny dipping now. "I knew they were bitches!" Taylor scoffed.

"What do we even do?" Belly watched as they drove away. "Um, Elle, your phone has a really incriminating text from Conrad," Taylor looked at the only thing left, their phones.

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