𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐲𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲

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    The teens had gotten to the bonfire twenty minutes ago and for those minutes, Aurélie spent them with Jeremiah until she excused herself to get a drink. While she was looking over at the options she heard someone speak. "Hey, Aurélie."

The blonde looked up smiling, "Mason." "What are you drinking?" He nodded at the cup. "Whatever's in this punch bowl," she chuckled, taking a sip. "Not bad." "Do you want to go over there and talk?" Mason points to a space away from the loudness.

"Yeah, sure." They walk over to the quiet space and sit down. "Did you come alone?" "No, I came with Jeremiah and Conrad," Aurélie looked behind her. "Oh, shoot! I forgot to text my sister."

Aurélie quickly shot a text to Delphine, telling her to hangout with Belly while she was gone. "Conrad looks like this is the last place he wants to be right now," Mason laughs.

"No, he definitely wants to be here, that's just his energy. He doesn't always look like that," Aurélie notices his serious face.

Conrad probably felt eyes on him because he turned around and looked straight at Mason and Aurélie. She smiles at him, but he doesn't return, instead glaring at Mason.

"Anyways, how's life been?" Mason smiled at the girl. "Crazy. André is a sophomore at Stanford playing baseball, and I'm a senior with everything I do," Aurélie laughed.

"I'm taking them home!" Aurélie hears Steven arguing. Jeremiah tries to calm him down which works because Steven lets go of Belly and Delphine. "Steven, chill the fuck out! It's summer, let them enjoy it!" Aurélie shouts at him.

The fifteen year olds smile and Aurélie, the latter returning it, waving. "I'm gonna get another drink, you want one?" Mason asks, standing up. "No, I still have some, thanks though," Aurélie shakes her head.


She spends a few moments looking at the ocean until she hears shouting break out behind her. "You're not taking my fucking beer, dude," Conrad growls. "Fuck," Aurélie gets up, walking over to the boys.

"Relax, it's one beer!" Mason yells at Conrad. "Yeah, and it's my beer," Conrad tries to get it back. Aurélie tries to pull mason away from Conrad, "You guys, come on. Get away from each other."

As Mason lets go of the beer, he elbows Aurélie in the jaw, she falls to the sand. "Ouch," She brings her hand to her face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit-" As Mason apologizes, Conrad throws a punch to Mason.

"Get away from her!" Aurélie didn't notice Belly and Delphine coming to her aide until they spoke. "Oh, hey babes. I just got elbowed in the jaw," Aurélie scoffed. "Are you okay?" Delphine asks her sister.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Aurélie stands up, noticing the boy with Belly. "Aurélie Beaufort," She flashes a smile at him. "Uh, I'm Cam," He shakes her hand. Aurélie hears sirens, and is immediately taken by Delphine to run.

She hopped into the front seat, bringing it forward so they had room in the back. She pulled down the mirror, touching the already forming bruise. "That's gonna hurt in the morning," she seethed.

"Come on. Get in the car. Watch your head. Legs. Legs," Jeremiah says helping Conrad into the car. "Yes. I know how to get into a car," Conrad says, trying to get comfortable, but struggling.

Aurélie looks behind at Conrad who had his eyes closed. "You're gonna be really hungover tomorrow." "I can already feel it," Conrad opens his eyes looking at her. "Belly, let's go. Get in," Jeremiah hops into the drivers seat.

She looks over at Cam, "Cam can give me a ride home." "Yeah, that's no problem," he nods his head. "No, you're not going to get in a car with a guy you just met." "I'm Cam-Cameron," Cam stutters.

"Your name is Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah asks. "No, it's just Cam. But actually, we know each other. Seventh grade latin convention. So like, we're not total strangers," Cam looks at Belly.

"Okay, no offense but no. Belly, get in the car," Jeremiah instructs her. "Come on, Bells," Delphine calls from the backseat. Before she gets in the car, she pulls Cam in for a kiss.

Jeremiah doesn't get very far before slamming on the breaks. "Fuck! Steven! Watch them, especially Conrad. I'll be right back," Jeremiah tells Aurélie.

It didn't take long until Aurélie felt a hand on her face. "Your face is what i see when I close my eyes and sometimes I just want to stay there," Conrad stares at her.

Aurélie looks at him speechless, but he continues. "Ellie, I want you to know that I missed yo-" Before he could finish, there was a knock on the window. "Have you kids been drinking?" And officer asks. Why does everyone ruin the moment?


Aurélie wasn't able to get much sleep so she decided to take a walk on the beach. After all, her sister was sound asleep in their house. Aurélie just didn't expect to see Conrad on the beach.

Walking over to him, she sits down. "Hey." Conrad looks up at her and watches her sit beside him. "Last night was crazy," she says as Conrad calls it a 'shit show.' "You're know you're gonna be bruised up tomorrow, right?"

"It's already tomorrow," Aurélie flashes a smile at him, thinking back to what he said last night. "Do you remember anything that happened last night? I mean, you were pretty wasted."

"I always remember everything when I drink. And it's because I was wanted that got you that bruise, so I'm sorry," Conrad looks away. "This? Don't worry, it builds character," Aurélie laughs.

He smiles before pulling the cigarette out. The blonde looks over at him, asking for some too. "No." "Yeah." "No." "Yes," Aurélie argued. "No. Sabine would killl me if she knew I was giving you some."

"Okay, then don't. But if I can't smoke, neither can you," Aurélie flicks it out of his hand, into the wet sand. "Same old, Aurélie. Hey, let's go pick up some of the good muffins before everybody else gets up."

"Sure, let's go," Aurélie gets up, Conrad following, but the second he does he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Actually, I don't think a car ride is the smartest thing right now." "I'll go get the muffins, and you go home and sleep. Deal?" "Deal." 


liked by: conradfisher, jeremiahfisher, and 115 more

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liked by: conradfisher, jeremiahfisher, and 115 more

caption: bonfire! (ft. my boys and shayla)

tagged: jeremiahfisher, conradfisher, stevenconklin, shaylaaa


conradfisher: who's the sexy man with the burger on the fourth slide?? reply: oh it's @stevenconklin                                                                                          stevenconklin: fuck yeah!!!

shaylaaa: omg I love the candid, elle!!!                                                          reply: omg ofc!!

jeremiahfisher: i'm so hotttt                                                                                reply: says who?

let's pretend that's a regular post, it's just easier to put it in this way!

author's note!

hey cuties!! I hope you're loving this, Ik i am!!! let me know if there's anything I'm missing in the storyline, i'm kinda scatterbrained rn with college stuff.

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