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Aurélie and Belly held each other as they cried on the bed. Laurel was behind her and Sabine was behind Aurélie.

"I feel so stupid," Aurélie sobbed, clutching Belly. "Honey why would you feel stupid?" Sabine rubbed her child's back.

"Because, all summer long, I've been thinking about myself, and Susannah was sick, and I didn't even know," Aurélie's body racked with each sob.

"That's how she wanted it. That's exactly how she wanted it," Laurel rubbed Belly's back, and reached over pushing the hair out of Aurélie's face.

"How long have you known?" Belly asked the moms. "Since the spring. She didn't want to burden you kids with it," Sabine answered.

"She wanted one last summer with you guys," Laurel tried to smile. Belly choked down a sob, reaching for her best friend's hand. "What about you?" Aurélie asked them.

"What about us?" "You had to carry it all by yourself," Aurélie's lip twitched. Laurel and Sabine looked at each other, breaking down into tears. The mothers held their daughters, as their daughters held each other.

"She's not gonna get better, is she?" Steven asked as he walked into the room with Delphine and André. The moms shook their heads, and answered no.

The three of them climbed onto Aurélie's big bed, as they all snuggled in close. The moms left the kids to cry and process with each other, and so they could process their best friend's diagnosis.


Despite all the horrible news everyone had just received, they all sat at the dinner table, eating a meal together.

Aurélie laughed, passing a box of Chinese food over to Jeremiah, it slipping in her hands. Conrad was feeding Steven a slice of pizza.

Aurélie looked under the table at her hands enveloped with Belly and Delphine.

Their's was a beautiful friendship. One that would never break, no matter the distance between them. They were the new Laurel, Sabine, and Susannah.

"I love you girls," Aurélie whispered just loud enough for them to hear. "I love you too," They both whispered back.

From that moment on, whatever happened with Susannah's cancer, everyone at this table would always be there for one another. And nothing could stop them.


The next morning, early in the morning, Aurélie walked over next door to see Conrad. She found him watching the sunrise on the beach.

"Con?" Aurélie called out to him as she walked through the sand, holding her Birkenstocks. She sat down, still in her debutante dress, him still in his suit.

"Oh, Con," Aurélie wrapped her arms around his neck as her pulled her in to him. He held her tightly in his arms, his tears falling on her bare shoulders.

"What if we never get a normal summer again? What if this is my mom's last summer?" Conrad sniffled, as he slowly let go, holding her hand in his.

Aurélie wanted to cry, and let Conrad hold her, telling her it would be alright, but that's what he needed from her. For her to hold him, and tell him it would be alright.

"Suze is a fighter, she will push through, okay?" Aurélie looked up at him, tears streaming down both their faces.

"We should go inside," Aurélie nodded her head. "No, stay here with me."

"Fuck!" Conrad screamed loudly, bursting into laughter. "What's with the screaming, Con?" Aurélie laughed. "Do it. It's therapeutic."

"Fuck!" He yelled, interrupting himself with laughter. "Fuck!" Aurélie screamed in a much higher octave, laughing along with Conrad.

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