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Aurélie smiled as they walked back into the house, thoughts of Jeremiah filling her head.

She climbed into her bed, exhausted from her and Jeremiah's little outing. She pulled the covers over her head after setting an alarm to wake her up.

"Good morning, Elle!" Sabine walked into her daughter's room making Aurélie jolt awake.

"Oh, my god. Did I oversleep?" She shot up in the bed. "Nope! Suze just woke up Belly too," Sabine sets a glass of orange juice on the bedside table.

"I love you so much, darling. You're going to look so stunning tonight," Sabine sang, "You always do, but with Jere as your escort..."

"Mere!" Aurélie chuckled, punching her mother playfully. "I still don't know how you got Jere to go with you. He swore off balls years ago," Sabine stood up.

"I don't know, he kind of asked me in a way," Aurélie giggled, sitting up straight. "He'd do anything for you," She gave her daughter a knowing look, "So would Conrad."

Aurélie was stunned so much she couldn't say a word. She didn't think anyone noticed Conrad's feelings about her.

"Get ready, it's time to get going." Sabine smiled at her beautiful girl.


After getting up, and throwing on her Birkenstocks, Aurélie walked over to the Fisher's house to have a proper breakfast.

"Hey, good morning. I, um... I picked up the good muffins you like," Conrad stuttered and she made her way into the kitchen.

"I'm good, thanks though," Aurélie grabbed a glass from the cupboard, barely looking at Conrad.

Sabine and Laurel looked confused. They didn't know what had happened between the two. Conrad was acting really sweet, and Aurélie had nothing to say.

"Uh, girls, you should get going. Oh, and everyone stay out of the family room. I've done all of your paintings, and tonight after the hall, we'll have a little unveiling. Can you put these in your car, Elle?" Susannah handed her bags to Jeremiah and her to take.

"So, are you nervous?" Jeremiah asked her. Aurélie shook her head as she put the bags into her car. "No, just don't let me trip."

He closed the door, grinning at her, "Never." He pulled her into him close, pulling her into a kiss.

"I'll see you later," Jeremiah walked into the house as Belly walked out, her jaw dropped as she walked to Aurélie.

"I guess you decided then, huh?" Belly giggled, getting into the car. "I think I did."

Aurélie smiled, she could get used to it, she thought.


Aurélie and Belly arrived at the ball and walked into the dressing room. Everyone was already getting ready, making the two girls feel awkward just arriving.

"You guys are here! Come, I saved you spots!" Shayla grabbed the girls's hands, leading them to mirrors.

Aurélie was next to Nicole, and Belly next to Aurélie. "Hey," Shayla nodded her head at the two friends, "You should really talk."

Aurélie shifted towards Nicole, and with a solemn face she said, "Can you ever forgive me?"

"Oh, Elle. Of course I can forgive you. You've been my best friend for our whole lives. I'm not gonna let some sorry excuse of a guy ruin that."

Nicole smiled at her friend, grabbing her hand softly. "You're not mad at me?" "Not at you, no. Conrad? A lot, yeah. He screwed us both over, Elle."

Aurélie nodded, "I know. He's trying to win me over, you know." "I know. I told him to," Nicole gave her a warm smile.

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