𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠

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   Aurélie walked into the kitchen, needing time to breathe from what just happened. So she started helping Susannah finish decorating the cake. "Cake time!" She called, helping to carry the cake stand. 

"Where'd all the kids go?" Susannah asked, walking outside.

"They had family things going on," Aurélie faked a smile. "I want the piece with the strawberries!" Belly called running behind them, falling, pushing them to the ground. 

The cake stand shattered, sending glass all over.

"Shit," Aurélie groaned, glass sticking in her hands, blood becoming sticky. Looking over at Susannah, Aurélie heard her yell at Adam to go away as she limped into the house.

Wincing, Aurélie sat on the bathroom counter holding her bloody hands. "Hey, are you alright? I heard what happened," Conrad walked in.

 "I'm fine, Conrad," She sighed, pulling the bits of glass out.

"You're mad at me," Conrad leaned over her shoulder, "Is it because I kissed you this morning," He kissed the side of her face, his arms going in between hers to rest on the counter.

Looking up at him in the mirror, Aurélie's eyes were red. "Nicole found out about us. She knows, Conrad." He froze, stunned by what he just heard. "Oh."

It took him a couple seconds to adjust, but he was fine. "Well it's my fault. I strung her along when I had feelings for you. It's my problem, not yours. I'll handle it," He caressed her waist.

"But it is my problem. She's my best friend, Con. We'll be fine in a bit, but she needs space. And that's what I need too," Aurélie turned around. "Okay, then we'll give her space too," He leaned back, looking at her.

"You're not hearing me. I need space...from you. I can't start something until you end things with her. I'm not doing that, I'm sorry." 

She pushed her self through the doorway, leaving him alone with space. All the space, too much he thought actually.


The loud crash made Aurélie jump slightly, and Jeremiah laughed at her reaction. "Shut up and give me one of those," Aurélie took a sparkler from him, waving it around in the air.

They were standing on the beach alone, lighting off the fireworks. Steven was with them, but he left to confess his love to Shayla or something like that he said.

Jeremiah smiled at her as she laughed, drawing shapes in the air with the sparkler. "That was a good one!" He laughed.

"Hey, I'm sorry your dad had to leave early," Aurélie told him as he set off a giant blue firework. He gave her a sad smile, "it's alright because now I get to spend the night with my second favorite person."

"Second? Who's your first? Aurélie acted surprised, holding her heart. "Definitely Gigi," Jeremiah gave her a knowing look. She laughed, shoving his arm.

They continued to light the fireworks until most of them were gone, and Aurélie stared up in awe at the grand finale. Looking over at Jeremiah, she found he was already staring at her.

"Want to go for a swim?" He asked, smiling, his blue eyes practically lighting up the night.

Fireworks from neighboring houses continued to boom in the air as Jeremiah splashed Aurélie in the pool. "Dude! You got water in my eyes!" Aurélie squealed, splashing him back.

Things got serious when they started staring at each other and then he smiled, looking away. "What is it?" Aurélie asked laughing.

"It's nothing," he paused for a moment, "Everything." She gave him a questioning glance. "You're my best friend. There are times I wanted you to be more," He confessed.

"Why didn't you say anything, J?" Aurélie gasped. Delphine was right, both brothers would fall in love with her this summer. Aurélie just couldn't believe she was wrong.

"I don't know, I was scared? There were always so many guys that liked you. You don't understand how beautiful you are. You can't possibly imagine the effect you have on people."

Holy shit. Aurélie's cheeks were practically on fire.

"I guess I was just waiting for the right time," He looked back at her. Aurélie stayed silent, waiting for the moment to finally happen.

He smiled, and reached for her hand under the water, pulling her close. Was this really happening?

She looked down at his lips, closing her eyes as he leaned in. And then they kissed. Not like some little peck either. No, this was better.

He pulled her up to wrap her legs around his waist, deepening their kiss.

Aurélie felt like she was about to pass out, but not just from passion, but from guilt. All she could think about after this with Jeremiah was what about Conrad?


liked by: jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin, delphinebeaufort, and 150 more

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liked by: jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin, delphinebeaufort, and 150 more

caption: flashing lights 🎆

tagged: jeremiahfisher, bellyconklin, delphinebeaufort


delphinebeaufort: i have grass burn elle                                                                   reply: watch where you slide lee

bellyconklin: pls stop me from drinking. i'm sorry elle                                    reply: back to the big sister role

jeremiahfisher: that grand finale...wow                                                              reply: it was grand all right

author's note!

hey y'all! sorry it's short but i just needed to get this jeremiah thing rolling!!! how do we feel???!!?!? my heart beats for both conrad and jere!!! it's okay to love them both, katherine pierce said it first!!

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