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Bees bumbled around. Birds flew through the big blue sky. The warm grass felt nice between the little girl's toes. A shallow breeze played with the girl's long hair as she ran with her friend on a big green hill. Her mother, who was inside their cozy little home not too far away, had warned them not to go there, for she wouldn't be able to keep an eye on them.

But the girls were having too much fun, and the hill seemed to be calling them. It was beautiful, flowers bloomed everywhere, and the long, soft grass begged to be played on. They wouldn't stay for long, mother would never know that they had broken the rule.

The girls raced one another to the top of the hill, laughing all the way up. The girl's friend made it up first and immediately plopped down onto her butt. The girl wasn't far behind, and she joined her friend on the cushy grass.

They looked out into the almost heavenly valley. It was perfect, there were mountains in the distance, and giant oak trees blocked their view of the ground.

"Look! A pond!" The girl's friend pointed into the distance. "We should go! I bet it would feel really nice!"

"Ok!!" The girl replied, excitedly. It wasn't too far, and they wouldn't be gone for long. They ran down the steep hill and bound for the pond. Thick oaks and raspberry bushes flew past them as they giggled, their light pink matching dresses flowing behind them.

This time, the girl won the race. The water was completely transparent, and the girls could see that it was deep.

Push her.

A voice rang in the little girl's ear. She looked around trying to find who said it, and then to her friend, leaning over the side of the pond. It didn't seem like she heard it. So the girl shrugged it off.

Push her in. Just one little push, it'll be funny.

The voice beckoned. The girl froze before slowly approaching her friend.

Do it. It won't hurt! Do it. DO IT.

The girl put her hand on her friend's back and gave a little push. It didn't take much force to send the girl into the deep water. Her friend gave out a little yelp as she sank to the bottom of the pool, flailing her arms in an attempt to get out.

The girl giggled, but soon realized that her friend was stuck. Fear struck her hard, and she stumbled back. She didn't have a clue as to what she was to do.

"M-Mother!!!" She screamed, racing back up the hill. The girl's friend gave up, letting the water overtake her as she became motionless.

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