Chapter Two

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After going over the rules with Stan, he introduced the siblings to the other staff members, Soos and Wendy.

Soos was a big man-baby. He was super nice and was always adding "dude" to the beginning or end of each sentence. He had a brown baseball cap on and a green t-shirt that had a question mark on it. His shorts were tan and his shoes brown. Y/n could tell he was a fun guy, and he seemed happy to be here.

Wendy was a teenager who thought she was super cool. A brown, fluffy lumberjack hat rested on her long red hair. She wore a green flannel with brown muddy boots that covered the ends of her dark jeans. She seemed pretty chill, but Y/n could tell she wanted to go home.

Now the three sat in the twins' room, trying to come up with something to do.

"We could... play a board game!" Mabel suggested.

"Did you bring any board games?" Dipper asked her.

"No..." Mabel sighed.

"And I doubt Grunkle Stan has any. Even if he does, we have no idea where they would be." Dipper noted.

They all thought for a moment.

"Oh, what if we explore the woods?" Y/n grinned. Her siblings' eyes lit up.

"That's a great idea!! What if we find a new species of animals?? Then we could become famous!!" Dipper exclaimed.

"And we could name it after ourselves! Something like: (Y/n)mabelipper!!" Mabel fantasized.

"That name sounds terrible. We'd have to name it something cool, like the Latin word for pine or something." Dipper responded.

"C'mon, stop thinking about it and let's go!" Y/n smiled, heading for the door. The two preteens quickly jumped up and ran after her. They raced outside and across the yard into the trees. As soon as they made it into the shady area, the three slowed to a walk.

The grass poked through a layer of tan pine needles that covered the ground. Broad pine trees reached up towards the sky, their branches stretching out and blocking most sunlight from touching the ground. Still, some patches of light streamed down from the layers of pine needles above, and they could see the streaks of light in the air.

"So many sticks!! We could build a fort!" Mabel stopped to pick one up, and proceeded to throw it at Dipper. The stick lightly hit him on the back of his head and fell to the floor.

"Ow, Mabel!" Dipper rubbed the back of his head. He scowled over his shoulder at his sister, who just giggled back.

Y/n smirked. They kept walking past tall trees, small trees, berry bushes, and other weird plants. Y/n had to stop Mabel from eating wild berries several times, while Dipper peeked inside bushes to see if he could find any cool animals.

As the two sisters fought over why Mabel couldn't eat any berries, Dipper noticed a bush ahead of them start to shake. His eyes went wide and he immediately whipped around to face them.

"SHHHHH!! You guys, stop fighting!! Look!" He whispered to them urgently. They both looked ahead of them and went quiet, smiles plastered on their faces. The three snuck up on the bush as it started shaking closer to them. Suddenly, out popped... a platypus?

The three stared in amazement. There stood a platypus in front of them, but its fur was plaid patterned.

Mabel gasped. "A (Y/n)mabelipper!!" She whispered.

"No, Mabel, that's not what we're calling it!" Dipper whispered back.

"It's obviously a plaidypus." Y/n joked. The plaidypus spotted them and quickly scurried away.

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