Chapter Six

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Y/n's eyes fluttered open. That was such a weird dream. She thought, sitting up. She glanced at the clock on her dresser, which read 3:06 am. She layed back down and tried to go back to sleep.

But she was still hung up over that dream. That had never happened before. She'd only ever had nightmares and lucid dreams; her nightmares were always the same, and nothing had ever interrupted her lucid dreams. It was so odd, thinking about it made her head hurt.

"I need some water." She muttered to herself as she got up. She tiptoed to the kitchen, filled a glass with water, and went back to her room. As she drank, she spotted her drawstring bag on her dresser.

"Huh, I almost forgot about that." She walked over to the dresser and set her glass down. "Let's see if the journal was right about this thing." She picked up the bag, inspecting it. She hadn't given it much thought, as it wasn't any bigger than a small laptop, and she didn't have any reason to use it yet.

After thinking for a minute, Y/n thought of something to try and pull out of the bag. She materialized a stuffed animal in her head, thinking about how big it was, the color, and the animal. Then she reached into the bag. Her hand felt something soft, and she pulled it out.

There it was, a blue penguin squishmallow the size of her hand. Her jaw fell open, and she looked into the bag. It was pure darkness inside, she couldn't see an end to it. Sure, it was 3 in the morning, but she knew she should have been able to see the bottom regardless.

She looked at the plush in her hand. It was so cute, and she wondered if she could return it. Holding the bag open, and looking inside, she hesitantly dropped her new plush into the void inside the bag. She watched it fall until the darkness consumed it. Weird!! This is so cool! She thought, excited.

Testing the limits, she reached her hand in once more, grabbing hold of another stuffed animal. This one was heavy, but she heaved it out. Just as the journal said, the opening of the bag stretched to fit the giant stuffed bear through. Once it was all the way out of the bag, the opening shrank again, and Y/n dropped the bulky stuffed animal on the floor.

It was bigger than her!! She'd always wanted a huge stuffed bear, but never wanted to spend $200 on one. Grinning, she belly-flopped onto the fluffy plush, wrapping her arms around it. She hadn't had a hug in a long time, and she needed one. Her excitement made her forget about her dream, and she pulled the bear onto her bed. She lay next to her new friend, hugging it, and fell back asleep.


Bzzzzt! Bzzzzt!! Bzzzzt!! Y/n's phone buzzed as her favorite song played along. She lazily sat up and turned off the alarm. Stupid work. She thought as she sadly left her nice, warm bed. She booped her bear on the nose before quickly getting ready for the day and joining the others in the gift shop. And after a few hours of sitting around doing absolutely nothing, Mabel decided she had enough.

"RANDOM DANCE PARTY FOR NO REASON!!!" Mabel yelled, hitting a button on her steryo.

Music played as Wendy chanted, "Go! Go! Go!" Mabel laughed, doing random dance moves. Dipper awkwardly held a clipboard and stood a little bit away, writing something down.

"Dipper! Aren't you gonna get in on this?" Wendy called to him, almost causing him to drop the clipboard.

"I, uh, don't really dance." He chuckled nervously.

"Yeah you do!!" Mabel turned to Wendy. "Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume and make him do..." She made a dramatic pause. "The lamby dance." She presented the title with a wave of her hand.

"I remember the lamby dance!!" Y/n laughed from behind the counter.

"Now is not the time to talk about the lamby dance." Dipper muttered grimly.

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