Chapter Seven

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A few days later, Y/n was still suffering from the ghost incident. Bill had been manipulating her dreams and inserting that thing from the convenience store. How did she know that triangle was behind it? His taunting laughs echoed down the halls as the demon hunted her down, entertained by her fear and desperation.

The demon crawled after her in a spider-like manner, on all fours. She could constantly hear its long claws and pointy ankles scrape across the tile floor as it quickly gained on her. Y/n always ran as long as she could in hopes of losing it and never seeing it again. Sometimes she was able to escape it for a little while, but unfailingly, it caught up to her in a small matter of time. She started calling it The Finder. It always knew where she was, and despite its skinny limbs, it was strong.

A few times it was able to get its hands on her, and as she frantically jerked her arms or legs out of its grasp, its sharp claws would leave deep gashes. She would always wake up and immediately check where it got her. It would still sting after she woke up, but there wouldn't be any blood. And oddly enough, the clock always read 3:06 when she woke up. Every. time.

So, understandably, she hadn't had a good sleep for a while, and her eye bags said it all. Luckily, with the power of makeup, she was able to cover most of the evidence. And tonight, she had a well-needed distraction: a party.

Stan decided that throwing a 'free' party would get teens to spend money at the Mystery Shack. But of course, he rigged it. The entrance was free, but the exit fee was $15. Y/n knew it was insane, but there was no talking him down.

Y/n and Wendy had been blowing up balloons for a half hour, tons of balloons were scattered all around the giant party room, but Stan insisted there be more. Meanwhile, the twins used silly string to pretend they were barfing on each other. They had already helped plenty by hanging up tons of advertisements all around town.

Now that the sun was setting, Stan gave everyone jobs and they all went to their stations. To their surprise, Y/n and Mabel weren't assigned anything.

"Anything Mabel and I can help with?" Y/n asked her gruncle.

"No, you two are useless." Stan turned and walked away. Y/n was a little offended, but at least she could just chill all night.

Y/n and the twins went back to their rooms to get their party outfits on. Y/n put her hair in a high ponytail with a (f/c) scrunchie and put on some colorful pants to match. She pulled her favorite hoodie over her head, careful not to mess up her hair. Lastly, she quickly slipped some hoop earrings through ears before heading to the bathroom and putting on a little bit of mascara.

Stepping back from the bathroom mirror, Y/n admired herself. "Nice." She posed before heading out to the party room.

Walking into the decorated room, Y/n swore she'd be able to hear the blaring music from a mile away. The spotlights clicked on, and the disco ball spun. Lights were strung up on windowsills and shiny paper stars hung from the ceiling. Two big speakers sat by the DJ booth. It was actually pretty nice.

Stan danced into the room and stopped by Y/n. "Can your uncle throw a party or what?" He smirked.

"Yeah, this is impressive!!" Y/n smiled.

"Hey, maybe you'll meet someone special here. Huh? Huhhh?" Stan elbowed her and she laughed.

"I don't think there's going to be many young adults here." Y/n looked out onto the dance floor.

"Well, you never know." Stan shrugged before walking away.

The room was soon full of teens, some more mature than others, but it looked like everyone was having a good time. Y/n sat on the side, mainly watching Mabel dance. She didn't really like dancing, it just felt awkward. She was mainly there for the snacks.

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