Chapter Four

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Dipper's eyes fluttered open to the sound of a light beeping noise. "What- where am I?" He muttered before spotting his sisters sitting beside him. Mabel jumped up to greet him, but Y/n held her back.

"Dipper!!!!" She screeched with joy, still trying to pull away from Y/n.

"Mabel, I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want a hug." As soon as Mabel was done, Y/n let her go and looked at her brother. "Hey dude." She smiled sweetly.

"What happened?" He groaned.

"Well, I was kidnapped by gnomes, and then you guys came and saved me, but then they all joined together to form a HUGE gnome and-" Mabel was interrupted by the door opening. A nurse walked in, spotted Dipper, and turned around.

"He's awake!" She called down the hall. The nurse turned to face them again before shutting the door behind her and walking over to his bedside. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a bus." His voice was hoarse.

"Don't worry, it's nothing too serious. You'll be better soon, and should be clear to go home tomorrow." The nurse smiled.

"I have to stay here all night??" Dipper complained as the nurse got up to check the monitor.

"Don't worry, I brought something to pass the time." Y/n held up the journal and his eyes immediately lit up, making her smile. "I need it back once you get out of here though." She said as she handed it over to him.

"Ok! Thanks, Y/n." He grinned. But as he took the book from her, he noticed her arm wrapped in bandages. "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, one of the gn-" Y/n's eyes shot towards the nurse. "Um... It bit me pretty bad. I'm all good though." Y/n chuckled.

"There was blood all over the place!!" Mabel exaggerated.

"Ouch, that sucks!" Dipper winced.

"It's fine, you shouldn't be worried about me right now. Your leg was broken in half." Y/n laughed nervously.

The color drained from his face. "... What??" He lifted the blanket to see his own leg surrounded in a cast. "Holy moly. That's insane."

"You're lucky it didn't break through the skin." The nurse added.

"I thought you said it wasn't that serious!!!" Dipper scowled at the nurse.

"It isn't too bad. You'll just be in crutches for a while." The nurse gave him a sympathetic smile.

"... For the rest of the summer?" Mabel asked hesitantly.

The nurse's smile faded a bit. "Maybe."

Dipper sighed. "But it's just beginning..."

"Hey, I'm sure you'll heal quickly." Y/n comforted him. "But for now, all you can do is sit in here and read about these insane fairytales." She winked at him.

"... Maybe this won't be so bad." Dipper smiled as he opened the journal.


A couple days passed, and Dipper was back home from the hospital. He had a hard time with the crutches, but Y/n knew he'd get used to them quickly. Mabel did end up having a sprained wrist, but it wasn't bad enough to need a brace.

Y/n's cut needed to be cleaned every night and rewrapped with new bandages, which was a pain, but it was better than getting an infection. It still bled like crazy every time she removed the bandages. But now that they were home, it was her turn with the journal again.

As a little get-better gift, Stan let the three pick out an item from the gift shop. Dipper chose a pinetree hat, Mabel grabbed a grappling hook, and Y/n randomly selected a brown drawstring bag. There wasn't much better, and this could actually be useful. It was super plain and pretty small, so she just left it on her dresser and forgot about it.

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