Chapter Three

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Y/n and Dipper spent most of the afternoon secretly following around Norman and Mabel on their date, taking turns with the camera. But Norman wasn't doing anything wrong! They'd almost catch him doing something zombie-like, but then he'd turn it into something normal.

Except for the fact that he didn't have any balance. Mabel would throw a Frisbee at him, and Norman wouldn't even react. He just let it hit him, and then he'd fall on his face. He was always stumbling around, crashing into and breaking things. But that was enough evidence for Dipper.

The younger twin bounded into his room to confront Mabel, Y/n trailing behind. She stood in front of a large mirror, brushing her hair, getting ready to see Norman again.

"Mabel, we have to talk about Norman." Dipper ran over to her.

"Isn't he the best?? Check out this giant smooch mark he gave me!" Mabel turned her cheek, revealing a huge red spot. Y/n gasped and Dipper yelped. Mabel laughed at them. "Gullible. It was just an accident with the leaf blower." She smiled at the thought. "That was fun."

"No, Mabel, listen! We're trying to tell you that Norman is not what he seems!!" Her brother pleaded, pulling out the journal from inside his vest.

Mabel gasped. "You think he might be a vampire?" She whispered urgently. Suddenly, her expression changed. "That would be so awesome!!" She grinned excitedly.

"Guess again, sister, sha-BAM!!" Dipper flipped open the journal and showed her the page about Gnomes. She screamed in disgust, sticking her tongue out. Dipper looked at the page and realized he showed her the wrong one. "Oh wait, sorry.." he flipped a couple pages before shoving it in her face again. "Sha-bam!"

She craned her neck, looking at the zombie depiction that took up most of the page. "A zombie? That is not funny, guys." She scowled at them.

"Dipper, we don't have enough evidence." Y/n tried to butt in.

Dipper began pacing around the room, ignoring her. "It all adds up: The bleeding, the limp... He never blinks! Have you noticed that??" He cried desperately.

"Maybe he's blinking when you're blinking." Mabel shrugged.

"One of us would have seen it. The three of us don't blink in synchronization." Y/n pointed out.

"Who's side are you on??" Mabel raised an eyebrow at her older sister.

Dipper walked back up to Mabel. "And remember what the book said about Gravity Falls??" He glanced around. "'Trust no one!'" Dipper whispered-yelled.

"Well what about me, huh? Why can't you guys trust me?" Mabel looked at them, a little hurt, before sticking her star shaped earring into ears. "Beep bop!"

"HE'S GONNA EAT YOUR BRAINS!!!" Dipper yelled, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her around. Mabel quickly shrugged them off.

"Dipper, Y/n, listen to me." Mabel said sternly. "Norman and I are going on a date at 5 o'clock, and I'm going to be adorable," Mabel pushed them away. "And he's going to be dreamy," She shoved them out of the room. "And I'm not going to let you guys ruin it with one of your crazy conspiracies!!" Mabel screamed, slamming the door in their face.

They stared at the door for a moment, and Dipper sighed. "What are we going to do??" He broke down, leaning against the door and sliding down it. Y/n sat down next to him.

"We're going to give her a chance to be right." Y/n put her arm around him. "It's the only thing we can do."

They sat there for a moment in silence, holding each other. It was a comforting silence. Y/n finally got back up and helped Dipper up before leading the way to the living room. Y/n took the big yellow chair, so Dipper sat on the armrest beside her, reviewing the footage from earlier. He desperately hoped that maybe they had caught something they didn't see before. Soon, the doorbell rang, and Mabel ran down the stairs.

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