Chapter One

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Hello! Thanks for deciding to continue the story! Quick reminder:

Y/n: Your name

F/c: Favorite color

F/f: Favorite food

F/s: Favorite song

H/c: Hair color

Y/n is an 18 year old girl .

I do not have an uploading schedule, all chapters will come out randomly. I'm really excited for this story, so I'll probably spend a lot of time on it. Enjoy!!


Vast pine trees streamed by on either side of the bus. The large, pointy evergreens were all they had seen for miles, nothing else. No deers, birds, chipmunks, no life. Y/n found it odd; how it seemed to be the perfect habitat for lots of animals, but despite staring out the window for an hour, she had spotted no living things.

Y/n wore a plain black hoodie and ripped gray jeans, with tall boots coming just to her knees. She gazed out the window, bored.

"We're almost there, I can feel it!!" a young girl chaotically bounced up and down on the seat across the aisle from Y/n. She had messy long brown hair, and brown eyes that shimmered almost 24/7. She wore a bright pink sweater with a lilac purple skirt. White socks were pulled up to about her knees, and her black flat shoes sat on the floor of the bus.

"Mabel, you've said that like 20 times in the past hour and a half." The boy next to her replied, rolling his eyes. "And put your shoes back on, no one wants to smell your smelly feet." He wore an orange t-shirt with a navy vest. His gray-ish blue shorts made it just to his knees, and his socks were pulled hallway up his shins. Black sneakers covered his feet, and a dirty brown hat hid most of the chocolate brown hair that matched the girl's beside him.

"YOU have smelly feet!" Mabel playfully pushed him before grabbing her shoes and slipping them back onto her feet. "But for realsies Dipper, I know we're almost there!"

Y/n rolled her eyes. The two kids were twins, her half-siblings. And they were a handful. She didn't understand why her mom was forcing her on this stupid road trip. Y/n was 18, an adult, and she didn't even have a close relationship with the twins. Her mom was basically sending her off to babysit them for the summer.

Y/n was the outcome of two young, drunk idiots who met at a club. As far as she knew, her biological father was a one-night stand, and she never got to meet him. A couple years later, her step-dad came into the picture, asked for her mom's hand in marriage, and they had the twins.

The twins didn't pay any mind, Y/n didn't know if they even knew that she wasn't their biological sister. They were oblivious to the fact that she looked wildly different then them.

"Y/n, can you get Mabel to stop bugging me?" Dipper complained. Y/n looked across the aisle and saw Mabel poking him, adding a sound effect from her mouth each time her finger came into contact with Dipper's arm.

"Mabel, come on, come sit with me for a while." Y/n patted the seat next to her. Mabel grinned, showing off her mouthful of braces. She happily bounced across the aisle and onto the cushy seat.

"So, how many cute boys do you think we'll meet this summer?!" Mabel's eyebrows bounced up and down on her forehead.

"Well, based on where we're headed, probably none." Y/n replied.

"Oh come on, don't be so negative!! What makes you say that?"

"This town has barely anybody living here, and hardly anyone even knows it exists. The chance of finding guys our age is slim, especially cute guys."

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