Chapter Nine

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Y/n awoke feeling completely rested, which confused her. Bill actually left me alone last night. She smiled. Her arm was sore, but other than that, she felt so awake, the fog in her mind was gone, and she felt like deciphering some codes. After re-wrapping the triangle cut on her shoulder, she hopped up and grabbed the journal.

Suddenly, she heard a loud crash come from outside. She got up and looked out the window to see a whole carnival being set up in their yard. Scrunching her eyebrows in bafflement, she decided to go outside to check it out.

Y/n spotted Stan and Mabel standing back watching people set up the fair. She walked over to them as Stan held his arms out.

"There she is, Mabel. The cheapest fair money can rent." Stan said proudly. "Oh, hey Y/n."

"Grunkle Stan? What's going on?" Y/n looked around.

"Isn't it obvious? I rented a fair! This will definitely get some morons to come and waste all their money. And I'll be swimming in cash, because I spared every expense!" Stan put his hands on his hips pridefully.

Just then, Y/n heard a cable line snap and Dipper screaming. She looked up and saw Dipper's sky tram cart falling from the sky, and it crashed to the ground.

"I think the sky tram is broken. Also most of my bones." Dipper said shakily.

Grunkle Stan laughed. "Alright, alright, I got a job for you three." He pulled a clipboard out of his coat. "I printed up a bunch of fake safety inspection certificates. Go slap one on anything that looks like a lawsuit." He handed it to Y/n, who silently groaned. She didn't want to work, she just wanted to read the journal. Regardless, she split the pile into thirds and handed some to each of the twins.

"Grunkle Stan, is that legal?" Mabel asked, worried.

"When there are no cops around, anything's legal!!" Stan shrugged happily. "Soos! How's that dunk tank coming along??" He walked off, leaving the three siblings.

"So, I guess Dipper, you take that section, and Mabel-" Y/n started, but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Hey Y/n! Heard you guys were setting up a carnival, and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help?" Y/n turned around to see Ace standing behind her. She immediately grinned.

"Ace! Hi!!" Y/n was happy to see him. "Don't worry, the workers got it under control. I just have to put up these safety inspection certifi-"

Mabel interrupted her. "Don't worry about it Y/n, you two go have fun!!" She swiped the papers out of Y/n's hand and ran away before Y/n could react. Y/n turned and watched in confusion as her little sister ran away.

"Alrighty then." Y/n turned back to Ace, who was just as confused, if not more confused than Y/n. "Well, what should we do?"

"Do you want to try out the Ferris wheel?" Ace pointed over to the rickety wooden Ferris wheel painted red and white. The wood looked like it was rotting and would snap any minute. Y/n shuttered.

"I do not trust that thing, or half of the rides here. Maybe let's stick to the games?" Y/n suggested.

"Sure, that sounds fun." Ace shrugged with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have unlimited tickets!" Y/n pulled out the tangled pile of tickets from her hoodie pocket as they made their way over to the Balloon Pop stand. Y/n pulled off two tickets and shoved the rest back into her pocket.

She handed them to the carny and he gave them some darts. "Pop as many balloons as you can in 60 seconds!! Are you ready?" He asked Y/n.

Y/n looked up at Ace. "Do you want to go first?"

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