Chapter 10

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Standing in front of the cabin unlocked a memory Y/n had buried deep in her mind with the hope that it would never be dug up again. Her stomach twisted with queasiness, bad things had happened here. Things she wanted to forget.

"So, do you wanna explore it?" Bill asked her, transforming back into human form. He had on his more casual suit, as casual as suits can get. His voice startled her, she had almost forgotten he was there with her.

Y/n tried to speak up, but nothing came out of her mouth. She was at a loss for words, being here again made her feel uneasy. "S-sure." She managed to spit out.

"Hey, are you ok?" Bill asked, voice filled with worry.

"I-I'm fine, I'm fine, lets just go in." Y/n stammered, shaking her head to snap herself out of it.

She crept up to the door and hesitantly put her fingertips on the doorknob before grabbing and turning it. She pushed the door open to find that her home looked completely different than she remembered.

The first thing she noticed was that everything inside was gray-scale, the place was completely devoid of color. The second thing was that it wasn't the living room she remembered. The room was huge and spacious, the floors and walls made of wood. A tall lamp stood in the near middle of the room next to a large patterned rug.

One big hallway and a couple doors branched off, each labeled with a sign above it. A creepy looking door was labeled "Fears", another read "Hobbies". The hallway's sign was fancier than the rest, reading "MEMORIES".

There were plenty of other doors, some with labels, some without, but Bill started off down memory hall. Y/n just followed, bewildered. Was he not fazed by this at all? She was so confused, but he acted like he'd seen it a million times. Well... maybe he had seen it tons of times. All those times she dreamt of this place, he could've been in here exploring without her.

"Nope, I've never been in here before." Bill said suddenly, breaking the silence. Ugh, he was reading her mind again.

"Really? Then why'd you stroll in here like you knew the whole layout?" Y/n crossed her arms.

"Because I've been inside tons of people's mind's before, it's all basically the same, just a different setup." Bill turned around to face her and raised his hands motioning to the room, but he kept walking backwards towards the hall.

She didn't know whether to be comforted by that information or not. Was it a good thing that he'd explored so many people's minds? This was still all really weird to her, she knew that he couldn't be human, but what was he? She realized she had never asked. Wait-

"This is my mind??" Y/n looked around, eyes wide in shock.

"Well, yeah. Who else's memories would these be?" Bill gestured down the hallway they were approaching. Tons of doors lined the walls, some up high, some down low, some were short, some tall. Lots of them were open wide, playing memories she could barely remember and memories of just recently. They all talked over each other, making it hard to focus on just one.

The memories were the only things in color, except for Y/n and Bill. But the thing that weirded her out the most was that all of her memories were in third-person view, like there was an invisible cameraman recording the whole thing.

"So... Why are we here?" Y/n asked, looking through the doors as they passed them.

"I need to find something, any hint of what Ace might be up to." Bill scoured the hallway, trying to find the door leading to all of her memories with Ace.

"This again?" Y/n sighed as she kept up with his fast pace. "I told you I'll be careful. And he hasn't done anything suspicious at all."

"Not in front of you he hasn't. But I've known him for a lot longer than you, and I know that he's up to something."

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