Chapter Five

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The next morning, Y/n sat on a couch that decorated the porch, watching Soos play with the twins.

The big man stuffed a pillow into his shirt and then held out his arms. "Hit me, dude!" The twins ran at him and jumped into him. They bounced off and landed on the floor, laughing.

"I'm so glad everything's back to normal!!" Mabel sat on the ground, soaking up the moment with her brother. Just then, the phone rang. "Your turn."

"Your turn- aw man." Dipper got up and went inside to answer the phone. Y/n sat outside, listening in on his conversation.

"Hello? .....Oh, hey man! Sorry for accusing you of murder last week.... Oh, finally!! I thought nobody would ever ask!! I have notes and theories!! Uh-huh, Uhhh-huh... 412 Gopher road. Uh, tonight? Got it." He put the phone down and walked back outside.

"Who was that?" Y/n inquired.

"Tobey Determined!! He said he wants to interview me about my theories on the weirdness of Gravity Falls!!" Dipper gushed.

"Huh, cool." Y/n nodded. Dipper excitedly went back out to play with Mabel and Soos. That is so odd... Y/n thought, but shrugged it off.

Stan walked outside onto the porch next to Y/n. "I'm leaving to go celebrate with Bud Gleeful at his house! Don't do anything stupid without me!!" He called to Dipper and Mabel. Y/n suddenly got an idea.

"Hey, uh, can I come?" She asked him.

Stan looked at her, confused. "Why would you want to come?"

"Oh, uh, cause I'm bored..?" Y/n smiled nervously.

"Sure, you can come, why not." Stan shrugged. "Just hurry out to the car. I don't want to wait forever."

Y/n smiled. "I'll be right back. I just have to grab something from my room." She ran inside, grabbed her book bag, and quickly walked back out. As she approached the car, she noticed the license plate said "STNLYMBL". Stanly Mobile? Weird... She thought as she got into the passenger seat.

When they got to Gideon's house, Bud let them in and sat them in the living room. The two business partners started talking about random things Y/n didn't care about.

"Hey, uh, is Gideon here by chance?" Y/n asked Bud.

"No, he's not here right now. Why were you asking?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Just curious." Y/n shrugged. The adults went back to business and Y/n sat there for a while, bored. Finally she decided to put her plan into action. "Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" She asked.

"Of course! It's just right around the corner down the hall on your left." Bud pointed down the hall.

"Thanks!" She smiled and got up. As soon as she was out of sight, she started snooping around in the different rooms. "Where's that little turd's room..." She whispered to herself. She opened the door to a darkly lit room, and when she saw the tons of pictures of Mabel on the door, Y/n knew it was Gideon's.

A vanity sat directly across the room from the door, and a desk sat under a window a few feet away. On the right, she saw a big bed with a tall dresser beside it. The carpet was a pale purple with flowers on it, and the walls were gray. Y/n snuck inside, looking around.

The pictures on the door were creepy enough, but then she saw a mini mystery shack doll house with little dolls of Y/n, Mabel, Dipper, and Stan scattered on the desk. Y/n shuddered at the sight. She picked up the doll of herself, which was obviously handmade. She looked around on the desk and saw an open book. Curious what book it was, she turned the cover over. It was journal number 2.

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