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The next day

At a secret port close to the Thunderstorm clan town

We could see Yui, Kawakaze, and her grandchildren watching the manjuu's rechecking Kawakaze's ship

Since Kawakaze's disconnection to her ship, her ship was docked and has stayed there for almost 80 years, causing it to rust with some its functions getting broken, but was quickly taken care of by the manjuu's, making it at least seaworthy

As the manjuu's finished this Kawakaze and the others board the ship, with the manjuu's joining them to operate some parts of Kawakaze's ship and started to sail to the Sakura Empire HQ where Kawakaze will meet Lady Nagato

But as Kawakaze steers the wheel of her ship she started to cough violently again as she covered her mouth with cloth with Hiroko the only one witnessing this as there is no other people when it happened, with Hiroko getting worried as more blood was visible at the cloth that Kawakaze used to cover her mouth, with Kawakaze assuring that everything will be fine

And after a few hours of sailing they have finally arrived as the Sakura Empire HQ is in view with some shipgirls going near them with Yui raising her hand to as she waved to the shipgirls

and then after they dock Kawakaze's ship the shipgirls escorted them to the Huge Palace where Nagato is

and then after a few more minutes they reached the throne room where Kawakaze saw Nagato and the others waiting for her there

and from there Kawakaze bowed to Lady Nagato with the others following suit until Nagato stands up from her throne and goes close to Kawakaze and does a dogeza pose infront of Kawakaze, shocking her

Kawakaze: L-Lady Nagato-

Nagato: I'm sorry, *starts crying*, I'm sorry for calling you a traitor, I should've known that my husband will frame for my sisters death back then

and from there Yui started to connect the dots together to why her Grandmother is sad when finding out where Yui is hiding

Her Great-Great Grandfather is the one who framed Kawakaze on killing Mutsu and that is the reason why Kawakaze killed him

As she discovers this, she also apologized to Kawakaze to which she tells her and Lady Nagato that it is fine and they already forgave them a long time ago

Until the scene was interrupted when the doors are destroyed by Taihou, One of the shipgirls that had fallen in love with Admiral Takeshi before he chose Nagato as his wife and was also angry at Kawakaze and wanted to kill her so bad

Amagi who was also at the throne room confronted Taihou and spoke 

Amagi: What are you doing her Taihou?

Taihou: Kawakaze must be executed, she does not deserve to be here

Nagato: Take back what you said just now Taihou

Taihou: Why should I, he married you and you won't avenge him, you're a worthless wife after-

and then a flaming talisman hit Taihou's cheek revealing Akagi throwing it with anger at her eyes

Since Nagato lost Kawakaze as her secretary, she assigned Akagi to be her secretary as Amagi recommended her

The two had a rocky start but as time went on they became close, so close that Akagi becomes overprotective to Nagato at times

Akagi: *Spokes in a menacing tone* Watch your tongue, Taihou or else-

Kawakaze: I'll handle her Akagi, Lady Nagato

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