Chapter 39

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Katsuki's team was standing in front of her with the entire arsenal of weapons. They would probably have attacked already, as well, if Mina hadn't shouted excitedly. "Get the flags! We have to take Kaede out or she'll eliminate one by one!" Kaede grinned flattered. "Don't just stand there! We have to split up too!" Kaede took advantage of her opponents' uncertainty and stepped closer to the edge of the roof to be out of reach of Fumikage's whip. She was surrounded. Izuku and Mina now stood on one side, Katsuki and Fumikage on the other. At that moment, her worries focused on the whip and the canon. "Go away, damn nerd, we're going to get her points and then her flags." "If we give her the chance to escape now, we might not be able to face her again." "balloons?" Kaede was torn between envy for the others' weapons and gratitude that she at least had a Sniper. Izuku pulled water balloons, presumably filled with paint, from a backpack and threw them at Kaede. He probably thought all her escape routes had been cut off, but Kaede already had a plan. She stepped backwards an inch and fell. She imagined the shocked faces of the others when she almost immediately felt solid ground under her feet again. Directly below her was a balcony onto which she had just dropped. Now she kicked the door in and ran. She knew the others were following her, but she took each corner in a different direction. At some point, when she knew she had lost the others, she looked for a way onto the roofs again.

She knew she could probably forget about the flags, there was no way she could still get hold of all of them and she didn't feel like having to stand up alone against the superior force. She collected the two flags from the red base and brought them to her own to lie down on a roof and wait. When she saw two people from each team she knew her character was pretty sneaky. If she wanted to win, she would have shot Katsuki and Izuku, taking the lead away from the others, but she wanted to see the fight, she wanted excitement. A performance. The first hit went to Fumikage. Izuku tried to spot Kaede's position. While Kaede was still targeting Mina, she saw that Mina was also holding something. Mina smiled as Izuku pointed to Kaede's position. "Holy shit, a bazuka." Kaede shot and Mina shot. She didn't even dodge anymore, she accepted her fate. First a violent gust of wind caught her until the green paint poured over her and the entire roof. She coughed and wiped the colour from her face. "At least I got hit with something cool." Completely covered in paint, she picked her way out of the field. Dripping, she trailed a trail of green behind her, even as she joined those already eliminated. "Kaede, you're such a good shot! All head hits!" "Just look at the scores!" The others stared at her excitedly. "You look green." "Thanks, I know." She was pulled straight to a large monitor that had the scores on it. "We're first?" "Yes. We have 260 points. Team red has 30, 10 of which are because of you. The green team has 205 so far and the blue team has 85." "Oh, I would have thought Katsuki's team would be better." Shoto joined her. "Midoriya's team has wide-area weapons, so they get 50 points for each hit. Same as you, except you have to aim first." "That's right. You're really good with the sniper." Hanta leaned next to the wall. "If we're lucky, we'll have second place. Only because of you, you fought for all this for us." Kaede blushed as Koji and Yuga nodded. "Don't... We are a team. It's our second place, not mine."In the end, they did indeed have second place. Katsuki angrily insisted that the green team had only won because of the weapons. "Of course they won because of the weapons." Annoyed, Aizawa explained, "In a battle, villains and heroes start from different positions. Some are better, some are worse. It depends on what you make of it."

Before she left for her internship that afternoon, she spent some time with Eri. She watched some movies and series, now Eri was a huge fan of Avatar the Last Airbender.


She walked the streets with Hawks. Like every time, heaps of people approached Hawks. When the first people started to get too close, Hawks pulled Kaede closer. "Please don't come so close, we still have to be able to protect you." He smiled, but Kaede knew the situation pissed him off. When she was bumped into and someone tried to pull her out of the way, Hawks lost his patience. Without a word, he lifted Kaede up under her legs and back and rose into the air. "Huh." She had to catch her breath from the shock. "Sorry, that's why I always fly. Today is especially bad." Lifting her gaze from the streets below, she looked into a beautiful sunset. "Let's go watch the sunset!" He flew a curve to land on one of the tallest houses. Gently he set her down and followed her to the edge of the roof where she now dangled her legs. He sat down beside her and she leaned her head against his shoulder, watching the sunset. Hawks, on the other hand, looked down. After a few minutes of silence, which must obviously have been awful for him, he surrendered to the compulsion to say something. "You know, sometimes I wonder if you could fly if I gave you a push down here." She moved away from him to put distance between them. Then she gave him a shocked look. "I hate you." He laughed. She stretched and rested her head on his lap. "Catch me if I roll away." "Imagine if we both fell asleep now and you rolled away." "Keigo! Let me rest in peace!" He brushed hair from her face. "You get paid for the time and instead of working you sleep." "You can do your work from up here and my work doesn't start until later anyway." Quietly, he added. "But it's dangerous for you to sleep." Even more softly she whispered. "It's only half as bad when I'm with you."

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