Chapter 71

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The lab

On the second day, when they were supposed to clean another room, Kaede disappeared to investigate the complex. The laboratory itself consisted of many rooms lined up to examine samples, but apart from storage rooms, the storerooms and document rooms, there was nothing. To explore the rest of the complex, she needed a security card. She had examined everything and there was no way around it. Access to the document rooms would also be difficult. Izuku wrote a list for Hawks of what they would need to explore the next parts of the building.

The transporters

Fumikage was sure that each of them wanted to get home quickly. No unnecessary actions that would delay the mission. He sat in the park again. There were a few people he was now examining more closely.

The parcel station

Mina and Hanta enjoyed their lives because the only thing they did in the parcel station was chill. The other staff member who was also there 24/7 matched the vibe check. In the afternoon, some of the lab's parcels were picked up. Hanta went out and memorised the car's number plate.


It was the same as the day before and the daily routine remained the same for the next few days. Living together had the feeling of a living companionship. Mina supported this effect when she forced everyone to braid friendship bracelets with her. Hawks sat happily on the sofa as if he were a toddler again. Bakugo, on the other hand, thought it was 'kids' stuff' and didn't join in.


The lab

In fact, after a few days, the three in the lab were given new tasks. As if they were now trusted with more. The only exciting thing was that they had to label test tubes, record observations and so on. "Where do they actually get the cells and substances that are examined? Don't they have to be pre-processed somewhere?" The lab assistant who was nicest to the interns looked up from his papers. "This is only the part of the lab that is accessible to outsiders. There is a much larger complex, parts of which are closed even to me." Izuku nodded in understanding. They would have to report to Hawks later that some staff were restricted.

The parcel station

The days in the parcel station were all the same. Except when Bakugo came one afternoon to take away some parcels. His eyes narrowed to slits when he saw how comfortable the others were. The cosy music made the vein in his temple pulsate. He couldn't help but spit out another comment before he left. "Do your job."


Kaede sat in the document room and went through some papers. They were mainly reports on the experiments and investigations, but in fact some information was missing. "We finally have to investigate the rest of the building."


It was easier said than done. After two weeks in the lab, Kaede finally had a way to sneak through the high-security door. The walls were white and sterile. Signs on the walls pointed in different directions. It took her ages to get to a huge room with data cabinets and computers. She plugged in a stick, but although it was the best hacker stick in the world, it took quite a long time to copy the data. She had no more time to look around and returned to Katsuki and Izuku.


They were sitting together at the dining table when Hawks spoke up. "I had the stick examined. It's got everything on it, everything. Information on the missing people whose Quirks are being forcibly investigated. And items that are being designed or have already been designed. But we now also know the people to whom the items are sold. I would ask you to investigate the forbidden part of the building again in the next few days. There are more things we need to find out."


It was quieter in the 1A classroom. This was not only because those who usually took part in the lessons were no longer there. The classroom was missing more than just the six students who had left empty chairs and desks. They noticed that Izuku was no longer muttering to himself, that he wasn't asking Aizawa questions that the others hadn't even thought of. Mina, Eijiro and Hanta, who had actually always chatted with the others, also ensured silence. Aizawa often wished that they were still there, just so that this gloomy mood would finally end. When they cooked in the evening, they noticed that the two master chefs Katsuki and Kaede were not present. They missed the shouting in the dormitory, but also the laughter. Each of them was a part of 1A and now, for the first time, they realised how much they had made the class whole. "I can't do this any more." Aizawa interrupted his lecture and let his gaze wander around the room. Most of the students didn't even bother to look up. The concern in their expressions was too present. "What are you doing all the time? The others are gone, so what? Are you going to let yourselves go so that they will be even further ahead when they get back? If you let yourselves go like this you will miss them even more when they are back, because then you will all fail and I will only let the 6 pass." "It's not just that we miss them," Eijiro objected. "Yes, we miss them, but that's okay. It weighs on us that we don't hear from them. They could be injured somewhere right now and we know absolutely nothing." "They could be back any second, and the only thing you would have done in their absence is stare holes in the air. Listen, Kaminari, you too. I understand that you miss them." Aizawa had known all along that the new dormitory system would create a whole new relationship between students. They were like a family. "But you also have to think ahead. How do you think the others will react when they are back and you have been worried all this time? They wouldn't want you to be like this just because of them." "I'm pretty sure Katsuki would yell at all of us." Kyoka got nods of agreement. Tenya jumped up and raised her fist in the air, "We should make an effort so that the others will be proud when they return! They will come back and we will be ahead of them." Aizawa exhaled in relief. The class was finally in a better mood.


Three weeks and four days after the six students left. Rikido, Shoto and Denki stood in the kitchen while Eijiro sat listlessly in front of the television. Tenya, Momo and some others sat at the table reading books. Tsuyu joined them, "Kero, we should just enjoy the silence, it won't last long." She was referring to Katsuki, but the silence was broken sooner than any of them had suspected. Kyoka shouted through half the stairwell, "Turn on the news channel!" She hurriedly rumbled down the stairs while those present had already gathered around the television. A newsreader was standing in front of a building. A building that had collapsed. It was half-sunk into the ground, as if something was still underground, while more debris slid behind it. "Hawks is still discussing with an employee of the lab." The camera zoomed in on Hawks. "Do you know how many are missing?" "They're all out, no one left behind-" Hawks turned kindly to the camera. "I'm trying to work here, people's lives are on the line. Would you mind keeping a little distance?" Shoto stood behind Momo in a cooking apron, "It doesn't have to be anything to do with them, it could just be-" Hawks was talking to the assistant again. "More heroes and ambulances will be arriving shortly-" He was still smiling as he turned to the camera again. "Injured people will be arriving here soon. It would be an impertinence to film them, wouldn't it? So if you don't stop filming now and move 200 metres away from here, I'll have you arrested." The last thing seen on the recording did not reassure the class one bit. A lot of Hawk's feathers came back. They were carrying someone with green hair.

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