Chapter 80

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Someone shook her and called her name. "We have to get her awake." "Should we hit her?" "We could pour water on her." Kaede tried to sit up, but she only managed to mutter, "Guys, I'm awake-" Water hit her face and she straightened with a jerk. She snatched the water bottle from Eijiro's hand and held it in front of him. "Does your hairspray hold water?" While Mina and Ochako smiled happily at her, Eijiro held up his hands in panic. Kaede sighed and lowered her hand. "I am merciful with you Eijiro." She splashed water on Ochako and Mina. "But not on you!" Now that the water was empty, she stood up and looked at her arm. A jacket was wrapped around the wound. "Thank you for the first aid. What did I miss?" "We tied up the seven thieves up ahead and unloaded all the weapons. The hostages are fine, all of them up front. We don't know what to do with Katsuki and Izuku, plus there's no exit and the thieves won't talk." "Give me one, I'll interrogate him." She didn't like doing it. When she was smaller she had to interrogate all the time and her opponent learned to fear her. Especially if she didn't work properly and she never did when she was panic-stricken about hurting someone herself. But now it was not about her. Katsuki and Izuku had disappeared, here were hostages, she had to play the hero. Eijiro pushed the leader she had spoken to before by the shoulders in front of her on her knees. "So you're not a scared little girl?" He spoke those words loathingly, but she knew he was afraid. Every one of these men was afraid. She took his hand and he did not pull it away, for her golden eyes held him spellbound. "Are these all thieves in this building?" He did not answer. "Are there still thieves on the upper floors who have captured my friends?" She smiled, sensing his uncertainty. "You know, my friends up there are strong, they were not caught. However, you gave me an answer, even though you remained silent. I felt your hope. You hope that they are still making a difference up there?" "There is no one up there." He winced as something inside him stung. Kaede jerked her hand away. "Lying will only bring you pain." She stood up, feeling like she was filthy. She felt terrible. "What did you find out?" She shook her head, trying to get rid of the man's feelings again. "They don't want to hurt anyone, at least none of them down here. Because we defeated these, the ones upstairs are going to blow everything to smithereens as soon as they hear about this." She turned to the man. "Right?" "You students are naïve. We were only the harbingers. But we want to reach our goal and the second group will not back down from injuries-" An explosion sounded. "My friends will also stop at nothing." Kaede turned to the others. "I will join the two above. You take care of the hostages and attackers and keep trying to get a signal out." She ran up the stairs to the explosions, though they were much further up. After a few steps, she noticed cracks appearing on the walls. "What the-" She picked up her legs and ran as the floor collapsed beneath her. A rattling went through the floor. Looking up, she noticed that the path behind her was blocked because the entire stairwell had collapsed. "Great." She followed the hallway, which still seemed relatively intact, but it did her no good. She needed their position now that it was quiet. Everything went dark around her as she closed her eyes. Then she searched. She searched for Katsuki, trying to feel him to find him and.... there he was. But something was wrong, something felt wrong. She ran. She ran, because something was wrong. She ran because something was wrong, and she felt it. Even if she didn't feel exactly what, she knew she had to hurry.

She entered a hallway. She saw Katsuki and Izuku lying on the floor, but they were unharmed. But then why had she felt something strange? There were three people standing next to them. They noticed Kaede immediately. One pointed a finger at her and something hit her right in the chest. She swallowed. Pain spread through her body. But as she thought more about it, she realised it wasn't really pain. She felt like she was dying, she thought she was dying. She had no symptoms, her heart was not racing, she could breathe normally and yet she thought it was over. But she couldn't let it be over, not with her friends beside her. So she turned it off. Her head was clear, nothing bothered her. The thieves rushed towards her as she stood up. They did not hesitate for a moment, but seemed to accept her fending off the quirk attack. She imagined Katsuki and Izuku feeling the agony she had experienced before. It wasn't hard as they both sat beside her, tears in their eyes and whimpering, in a state she had never seen before. The three men were under too much pressure to fire their pistols. She hit one in the neck, the other between the legs and the third she hurled against the wall until she turned to face her friends. It was completely rational to sit down with both of them. "I don't want to die... Kaede... please." "Shhh... you're not dying Izuku, you'll be fine." It was completely rational to want to calm him down, to want to wash away his tears. "Am I dying?" "No." "But it feels like it." "I know. It'll pass." "Kacchan?" "Deku?" "I- I'm sorry." "Stop apologizing fucking Deku." Katsuki straightened against the wall and looked at Kaede, but narrowed her eyes to slits. "Why did you turn it off?" "How did you even notice?" "Your eyes went blank. Usually when I look into them, you shine. Now they are empty. You promised, light bulb." He pulled her to him, even though it obviously pained him. "Turn it on." "I can't." "Turn it on." "No." He grabbed her hands. "I don't want to hurt you Katsuki, but-" "What? You're going to hurt me if I don't let go of you? You'll hurt yourself if you stay in this state." Kaede hadn't noticed Izuku holding her from behind. "Let go of me." She felt nothing against them, and yet something inside her kept her from hurting them both. "Turn them on, then-" "Then what? I will be happy? I'll be easier to handle because I'll be following you around like a lapdog. They want me to have them on because I'd be unpredictable if I didn't. My emotions limit me, they hurt me. My emotions are the only ones other people have against me, and you want me to feel them? If you loved me, you wouldn't want me to feel this pain. You are no different than any other Katsuki. You are afraid because I am different, what did I expect from you." "Stop talking shit like that. You're just saying that because you-" "They're on again and you know what? I don't feel different." She slapped Izuku's hand away, who was still confused by the conversation and couldn't really fight it either because of the pain. "You know." She had tears in her eyes, but the twinkle he loved so much was gone. "It's not your fault. I'm the one who ruins everything. I can't give you what you want Katsuki, I'll only drag you down with me. You said you could bear me as a burden, but I don't want to be a burden. I'll tear myself free and be nobody's burden, that's the only way." "What the fuck are you doing now Kaede?!" "I'm going to my hell alone. I won't let you follow me Katsuki, I don't want to talk to you anymore, I don't want to feel your gaze on me. I want to forget everything because it doesn't feel right. I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore." He was speechless. He was still searching for words in his head when she left. "Fuck stay here! You idiot! You stupid-" He cursed. He felt like he was dying, and it wasn't just because of the Quirk he had taken.

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