67: War Arc

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Hanta, Izuku, Fumikage, Katsuki, Mina and Kaede were sitting in a room with Aizawa. "Your mission with Hawks will take place under the following conditions: You are under the authority of Hawks. That means you do everything he says. If he says you run, you run. Also, you will not risk your lives senselessly, understand?" The students nodded. Aizawa sighed, "We teachers and Nezu are all against the mission because it puts your lives in unnecessary danger. Hawks understood that too, but his superiors are forcing the continuation of the mission. The mission is kept under lock and key, not even we are allowed to know what it is about, so be careful. Something is not right, the villains are getting more and more out of hand. Trust each other and look out for each other. Tomorrow morning the mission will start." The students looked at each other excitedly. "Kaede, Izuku, you wait for now, please." The others gave the two questioning looks before Aizawa closed the door. "I would ask you to say goodbye to Eri before the mission starts. We have no idea when you will be back and you mean a lot to her." "Of course, I'm not just going to leave her here." Aizawa nodded in satisfaction.

"But why can't you stay?" "We are heroes, Eri, and just as we saved you, we will save many others." Kaede agreed with Izuku, "You can still go to the others in the class quite often, they will always greet you." "But you won't be there." Tears formed in the girl's eyes. "Heyyy, it's all good. You can cry if you want, we're here." Kaede took Eri in her arms. Izuku saw the pulsating golden aura that surrounded them both. "You're here now, but you won't be tomorrow." "You won't feel alone sweetie, Aizawa is here and aaaall of my class will take care of you." "I'm afraid you'll leave me alone." "It's okay to be afraid, but don't let it steal your smile, okay? I can feel your smile clearly where I am, so don't stop being happy." "I won't."

Izuku stayed with Eri while Kaede went back to the dormitory. Not the 1A dormitory, though. "Can I speak to Hitoshi Shinsou?" The girl outside the dorm nodded. "Come in, I'll take you to him." Everyone stared at her as she was led through the rooms. "It looks just like our place." "You're from 1A, aren't you? Shinsou is trying to transfer to you guys after all, is that why you're here?" "No. I'm leaving on a mission tomorrow and wanted to say goodbye." The girl turned to face her. "These are dangerous times, you should take care of yourself." Kaede smiled. "I always thought you might hate us because-" "We don't hate you. You're always the centre of attention, but maybe that's better. You've taken a lot of abuse. Your wounds may have healed, but inside-" She put a finger against her head. "No one can see how hard you've been hit." "What's your Quirk?" The girl smiled. "I can heal. However, it depends on how well I know the person. I fucked up in the entrance test, now I'm here, but it's okay. I'm just the backup." "You're actually like Shinsou. Have you ever thought about taking more lessons in Combat? Can you heal yourself?" The girl laughed. "I like you, you're fun to talk to." "I can help you in Combat if you want. I'm helping Shinsou too, after all." "So you're the one training him?! He's improved so much because of you." The girl thought. "I can watch sometime, it would definitely help." She turned around. "This is his room." "You can talk to Shinsou about it. I'm not here for now." "It was nice to meet you, I hope it wasn't the last time." "I hope so too. What was your name again?" "Sanea Areza." "See you sometime Areza."

"I wonder how many more from the general have the potential to move into the hero course as well." "Do you mean because of Sanea? Her Quirk is really that of a true hero. I mean, she can save." "Hopefully the teachers will see her potential." Kaede sat on Shinsou's bed while he had taken a seat on the desk chair opposite her. "So, to what do I owe the honour of being visited by you? Do you want to tell me about your attack?" "I'm leaving on a mission tomorrow. It is uncertain how long. I don't even know what it's about." He frowned and leaned on his arm. "Isn't that far too dangerous after you've been attacked again?" "The UA didn't want the mission. The Hero Commission is forcing us. I don't think they'll care if any of us die. Something is going on, everyone has noticed. Now I guess we're the ones who are supposed to change something, I don't know." "Take care of yourself, I still need you." Kaede smiled. "I told Areza I could help her in combat too. If I don't come back for a while, you can start with the basics." "I don't need you because you're teaching me, Kaede. I need you because you are my friend. You're like me, only a successful version." "If you call being a puppet of society successful, then you're right." "You can cut your strings, you just need to know where they are." "Let's not talk about that. I'm going to miss you." "You'll miss beating me up, admit it." Kaede laughed. "I'll beat up some villains instead of you, don't worry." As she stood up, he stood up too. "Come here." They hugged in the middle of his room. He whispered against her shoulder. "Are you scared?" She did not answer directly. "No. Yes. I'm afraid of the unknown. What if the others can't fight it?" "You're there to protect them, aren't you?"

That evening, everyone from the class slept together in the living room. Aizawa let this violation of the rules pass. He became soft when it came to his children. Denki and Mina lay on the tables and arm wrestled for a while, cheered on by Eijiro, who had made a bed out of four chairs. Hanta, meanwhile, was trying to make a hammock out of tape. When he tried to lie down on it, it tore and he landed ungently on the floor. Kaede then gave him instructions on the angles at which he had to stick it on so that it would really work. Hanta built more hanging mazes, but no one except Kaede trusted his craftsmanship enough to lie down in them. Shoto was lost in the kitchen for some time and when his name was called, he jumped through the window between the kitchen and the living room and knocked over Yuga, who went to his mattress, which he had carried down earlier, with a sleeping mask on his forehead and a pillow and blanket under his arms. Kaede went up to help Rikido with the cakes. "Oh my god Rikido, you are an angel." With more help they carried the various masterpieces back down to find an even bigger mess than before. Katsuki furiously chased after Denki, who was hopping around like a rabbit. He was still laughing, but his panic grew with every second. Eijiro was now on the table arm-wrestling Mashirao, which was probably why Katsuki hadn't been stopped yet. "Just a moment Denki, I'll be right with you!" Denki made a sharp turn and saw the newcomers with the cake too late. They knew it would end in disaster. Kaede's eyes blazed and Denki was pinned to the ground before he crashed into her. Katsuki also jumped into her reach and slammed his face into the floor. "I did it for the cake." She stepped over them and placed the cake on the only free table. "Peace Katsuki. What did Denki do to warrant his death?" Katsuki had picked himself up and was staring at Denki. "Say the word and I'll kill you for real." Kaede just shrugged and accepted the silence. "Where is Toru? And the others?" Mina looked around searchingly and put her cake down as well. "I don't know, we can go ahead and get everything ready."

Izuku, Fumikage, Hanta, Kaede, Katsuki and Mina stood perplexed in the room. "I could swear Denki and Eijiro were here a second ago." "Now those idiots are gone." "There's a note here." Izuku lifted up a note. "Read it out loud nerd." "We're playing hide and seek. Whichever of you finds the most of us wins the prize. Quirk not allowed." Their eyes met. They stared at each other. Within a second they were running. "I'm going to win, you idiots!" "Dream on!" Izuku and Fumikage continued to stand at the table. "Whoever finds Toru should get extra points." 

Tsuyu was hanging on the top floor under the roof. Izuku only found her because he wondered if there was an attic. Later it turned out that there was indeed one. Kaede, however, had only found it because Yuga had to cough loudly because of the dust. Afterwards he got a telling off from Kyoka that he had messed everything up. Momo stood further back with a ladder. "Did you come up here with the ladder?" "Yes. But how did you do it?" "I took a running start, braced myself against the wall and then pulled myself up by the beam." "Always the athletic ones," Kyoka whispered into her sleeve. Kaede patted her on the back. "So at least I'm close to beating Eijiro in arm wrestling too." That gave her an idea of where Eijiro might be. "You guys go on down, I'll keep looking." She ran back downstairs, to her own room. There she yanked open the balcony door and looked down. No Eijiro. She climbed onto the railing and jumped to the next balcony. Nowhere was Eijiro hanging. Then she looked up. For someone of Eijiro's size, it was quite possible to climb up the gutter. Kaede held onto it and climbed. It was a little slippery, but she quickly got a firm grip on the edge of the roof and pulled herself up. "Found you guys!" Eijiro and Mashirao stood on the other side looking down. Eijiro turned with an apologetic expression. "But who gets the points? Kats down there has already seen us." "Has he touched you yet?" As he shook his head, a smile of victory framed her face. She sprinted forward and put her hands on their shoulders. However, hands shot up from below, clinging to Eijiro and Mashirao's ankles. They pulled Katsuki up to the roof. "So? Who touched you first?" "Me, of course." The two hiding looked at each other indecisively. "I...don't know." "You must know shitty hair!" "I think you were at the same time." Mashirao tried to reassure them. "Then we'll just make it so Katsuki gets a point and Kaede, that way it's fair." It was fair. "I'll still win light bulb." Katsuki walked to the other side of the roof. "We'll see angry pomeranian."

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