Chapter 85

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Kaede jumped out of bed. After the week and a half, her only problem now was the bullet wound, which still hadn't completely healed. Recovery Girl opened the door to the infirmary. "The infirmary is being evacuated." The old lady was already rushing to the next room when Kaede stumbled out of her room. She called after the lady, "What happened?" "I don't know sweetheart." In the infirmary there were still two third years with burns and someone from the second year who had to be pushed with a wheelchair. "We're going to evacuate, just like all the other classes." "I can try to find out what's going on. I can try to sense something." "Then do that." Kaede closed her eyes. The training of the last few days had helped her a lot, as it was easier for her to orient herself in the dark. She sensed students, but also more. "Quite a few people are streaming through a hole in the south wall, but at the same time in the north." "How many?" "I can't say. They are like a ball, I can't tell any of them apart." Recovery Girl nodded. "We'll wait here." "We wait!?" The third graders butted into the conversation. "If they really are villains, then we should go down there and support the teachers." "You have to think rationally. The teachers assume that four students are in the infirmary. If they take all the students downstairs to safety, one of you can't suddenly be down there fighting. Besides, we don't know where to go, we're waiting for more information." "Eri is in her room, we need to go get her." Recovery girl shook her head. "Someone else will take care of that. We have a plan for such cases, you have to trust the UA." "I trust the UA. Just not the villains coming through the wall." The older lady sighed and turned away as Kaede began a heated conversation about fighting with the third graders. "We want to be heroes, so they should let us fight." The second grader in the wheelchair had fallen asleep. "Recovery girl, the longer we wait, the greater the danger to Eri." "If you sense her, you'll know if she's in danger." The girl crossed her arms. "It's too much panic. If I try to sense anything now I'll just end up in a coma again. Everything is such a mess, I can even feel my headache right now." A few minutes later, the door to the infirmary opened. All might entered, with Eri in his arms. "Kaedeeeee!" Eri jumped off Allmight's shoulder and ran to Kaede. "There was a really loud noise earlier, did you hear it too? Mighty said he was taking me to safety." She turned to the teacher. "Is there safety here?" All might stepped to Recovery girl's side after he closed the door again. "We'll wait downstairs until the villains have been repelled. Some students may already be on their way there." "What's going on down there anyway?" "The villains have broken through to the north and south. However, they were so many in number that we were simply overrun. The students wanted to fight immediately, you know them. Even some from the support section jumped into the fray, but we need order." "We want to fight too Allmight!" The third graders ran towards him. "I understand your compulsion to help, but we don't want the students down there, it only causes chaos and handicaps the professionals who will be arriving soon." Kaede had crouched down and Eri was tugging at her sleeve. "Are you all right?" "Yes, I just have a headache." "Young Miharu, are you sure?" "I can feel them. The students are afraid, even when they fight. I can't stand this fear, please, let me go and calm them down." All might went to her. "It's all right, we'll go to the shelter together now." They walked down the hall together and none of the others noticed Kaede slowly falling back. Only when Eri turned around did she look questioningly at the third graders, who were also looking around. "Where's the girl?" All might stopped and turned around. "Miharu you little..."

Kaede did not want to fight. She just wanted to make sure that everyone was all right, because she hated this uncertainty. Some of the villains had already got as far as the entrance gate, but Snipe stood there and put a bullet in the head of any villain who got too close to a student. Kaede could swear she saw green flashes further back and heard loud explosions as several smaller icebergs rose into the air. Tenya shouted somewhere further away, "We are the students of UA, let us defend our school!" A massive crowd of voices responded jubilantly, shouting, "Plus Ultra!" The third and second graders also fought in the crowd. They slowly drove the villains back into the hole. But something gnawed at Kaede. Something familiar that she could not shake. She ran to the dormitory. She saw two figures lying on the ground from a distance. Mina lay motionless on the grass while Toru pulled at her powerlessly. Dabi stood in front of her, next to him Toga and other villains. Kaede jumped and stood in front of Toru. "Oh, there you are. We were wondering when we could borrow you again." Kaede ignored Dabi, but didn't take her eyes off him. "How is Mina? Are you hurt Toru?" Toru was confused. Underneath all the panic of the people around kaede, Toru's confusion stabbed her like a dart. "I burned your pink friend, she should be pretty ashy now." Twice tried to laugh quietly, but then gave it up. "Her name is Ashido and she's ashy, how funny!" "It's my fault kaede, quick, just go now!" Kaede turned her head slightly and gave Toru a smile. "No matter what happens now, it's not your fault Toru." Dabi grinned crazily. "Of course it's her fault! The girl is a villain, just like the rest of us." "Don't you dare call her a villain." Kaede's eyes flashed, but Dabi just kept laughing. "You are ready to defend her with everything you have? But who are you defending anyway? Do you know the person sitting behind you?" Toru sobbed loudly and Kaede felt dizzy. "It's all right Toru, the guy's talking shit." "Am I? Tell me girl and stop crying. Am I talking shit?" Toru continued to stare at Mina, her hands buried in the girl's uniform. "You know what, I don't care, I just like torturing you guys." Kaede remained in her defensive stance as Dabi continued to speak. "Didn't you ever wonder how we found out about your USJ plan back then?" Kaede thought for a moment, but he was already continuing to speak. "The training camp? Didn't you ever wonder where we got our information from?" She dared not answer. "How did you think I could copy you so well if someone hadn't told me how you were doing?" Kaede turned pale when Toga spoke up. "How did you think we found you in the middle of the road and kidnapped you?" Kaede's lips went dry as Dabi raised his finger and pointed at Toru behind her. "Who do you think gave us access to your phone so we could track you?" Kaede turned slowly. She wanted to ask if that was the truth, but she already knew the answer. "You didn't feel guilty at all because Toga had you as a hostage, right? You felt guilty because you betrayed me." Kaede wished she could look into Toru's face. She saw the tears on the girl's face, but she didn't want to believe them. "Villains are everywhere, even your friends are villains." Kaede clenched her hands into fists. "Do you think the betrayal that bitch did to you will hurt more than what we have planned for you?"

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