Chapter 87

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As if the attack had not been enough, a news report sparked a stir throughout the school. "Keigo Takami, also known as the number 2 hero, Hawks, is wanted as a fugitive. The charges are heavily classified, but the Hero Committee warns against him." None of the students knew what to make of this message. "It's probably just a mistake," Eijiro tried to reassure the class. "I don't think so." Everyone looked at Kaede, who was making tea in the kitchen. "There can't be such a mistake. Not if they don't say what he did." "So you think he's a criminal?" "No." She came with the pot and put it on the table. "I think the Heroes' Commission is full of criminals." Kaede had been at UA for a few years, longer than any of the other students. You could even say she was Nezu's favourite student, considering he had taught her chess. He did not turn down her request to meet him. "What can I do for you, dear Kaede? As you can imagine, I'm very busy at the moment but you wouldn't have come to see me if it wasn't urgent, would you?" "Have you ever wondered if there is a traitor in the UA? I mean... all the coincidences, the villain attacks, it's all only possible if they got information, isn't it?" Nezu's aura shifted. His kind eyes became calculating and serious. "Well, it's likely." "What would happen to the traitor if we knew their identity?" Nezu's gaze weighed heavily on her. "You found out their identity, didn't you? Well, I'm proud of you you master detective, who is it?" "If you promise not to bother them." "They passed on information Kaede. They put the lives of all the students here in danger, so many were hurt because of the traitor." "I know I've been implicated enough times myself, but that's not the point. Things happened, we can't change that. The traitor was forced. They held their family hostage and blackmailed them, they had no choice." He argued back. "You always have a choice. The traitor chose not to ask for help." "I know, I thought of that too, but then I thought further than just the facts. I know this person, I know how they feel. They regret it, they feel guilty and those feelings will stay. The family is dead now, the villains killed them, the traitor is no longer a traitor, threy lost everything, now there's only us. If we take that away from them too, if we punish them, that wouldn't be the UA after all. We have to show that we are a family, that we stick together." "So what's your suggestion?" "The traitor will stand in front of the teaching staff and you will make it clear to them that their actions are neither forgiven nor forgotten, but that you can understand and give them a second chance." "So you want to make it simple? No big deal and only the most necessary will know about it?" "Yes." He looked at her thoughtfully. "It's not the optimal way, but it's a good one. I'd rather turn in the traitor." "What you want is the best way for the UA, the best way for you now, not for the future." "What do you mean?" He took a sip of tea. "All the villains I've encountered, at least the ones I've had closer contact with are only villains because society has failed them. They were dropped and found themselves together and developed new goals. The hole in their hearts has been exploited and the same will happen to the traitor if we abandon them." "I like the way you think. You don't think logically, but with heart." "So the heart is illogical?" "With your Quirk, you would have to agree that feelings are not logical, wouldn't you?" "Feelings are a reaction. A logical reaction of the inner body." Nezu nodded. "That's debatable. But back to the subject. We will have to settle the matter of the traitor today." "Why?" "You heard about Hawks, right? The hero commission declared him a criminal for warning the schools. We're not the only ones who were attacked. Hawks gave information to the schools. Information that the villains want to destroy society by destroying young heroes. He passed information about an impending war to us, now the hero committee is offended." "So today's attack was an act of war?" "What do you think about that?" She pondered. "It was too quick. They got in, made a mess, and got out. Although. They caused panic. They don't want us to feel safe here." Nezu nodded. "In part, you're right. They want to unsettle us, lure us out. And yes, they have led us straight into a war. We have to defend the students and we will not fight in the schools. They scouted your Quirks today, that's why they were so quick. But back to the point at hand. Tomorrow you students will no longer be here. We will divide you up and take you to safe places, at least the first two grades. Because you will not be caught between the fronts of the war." Kaede had to process this news first. "War?" "Exactly." "And that's why Hawks isn't safe anywhere now? That's why they're destroying his reputation and chasing him away?" "Oh, don't worry, he's safe. I guess he's at your house right now." "Aren't they looking for him there?" "You know I'm smart Kaede. And I know you're smart and we both know keigo is smart. Before he gave the information, he took care of everything. All the records and all the accounts are in your name. No one can just look through them because keigo has nothing to do with it." "Through mine?" "Congratulations on your own hero agency Kaede."

Toru entered the room behind Kaede. Kaede admired how the teachers had their expressions under control. But the mood was still tense. They were disappointed. "Sit down, Toru Hagakure." Kaede smiled encouragingly at her friend until she herself was sent out.

Chaos had broken out in the dormitory. After Nezu had announced the move in front of the whole school, the students were now packing their belongings. As a class, they were only allowed to take as much as they could fit on the bus. Kaede's violin and two guitars were already downstairs in the hallway. Kaede quickly packed a suitcase with her things and a backpack with the rest, which she brought down to the hallway. Then she knocked on Mina's door. The door was pulled open and Mina pulled her in. "It doesn't fit!" Kaede squinted at the bed where a large pile of items and clothes lay on top of a suitcase. "Are you sure you need all this?" The two sorted out together until Mina could bring her things down too. It was still busy as they ate because all the students were excited about the next few days. When there was a little silence, Kaede knocked on another door. Katsuki was sitting at his desk and did not turn around when she entered the room. She went to him, pulled his chair back a little and sat on his lap to hug him afterwards."What's wrong?" Her face remained buried in the crook of his neck as she answered softly. "I can't tell you." "Just the fuck tell me." "I can't tell you because it's not my business. If I could I would." "That's stupid." "Maybe." She lay against him for what seemed like an eternity, enjoying the warmth his body radiated. But at some point she decided to get up, but he held her tight. "Stop fucking moving." "I have to go, I have things to do." His eyes scrutinised her critically. "It's after eleven, what the fuck do you want to do now?" "I have to go see Keigo." "Then I'll come with you." "No. This is between him and me. I appreciate your urge to accompany me, but you'd only be in my way." She stood up. "You're stupid." "So are you."

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