Chapter 7: The Text

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Tâylor's POV
Warmth flooded me as thought about the wonderful times, I could trust Ed with my life.

And the it triggered in my mind:

I like Ed Sheeran, my best friend.

Tâylor's POV

It ran through my head a hundred times:
I like Ed.

I couldn't believe it.

I fell in love again! With my best friend!
I had to tell him, but how?

I decided to text him.

Taylor: Hey Ed, meet me at Blue Bird Cafe tomorrow and 12:30pm?

After a minute he replied.

Ed: Ok, see you then.

Wow okay, I was going to tell him.

A million questions flooded my brain as I tried to get some sleep.

Will we become a couple?
Do we go in public?
Will the Swifties and Sheerios get along?

The Swifties and Directioners certainly didn't.

I snuggled up to Meredith and fell asleep.

Ęd's POV

I felt sick.

Taylor had just messaged me to meet here at a cafe which probably meant she made up her mind.

Despite my nervousness I replied. Then I got up and paced around in my room.

Worried was an understatement.
I was terrified.

I stalked to the kitchen, got an ice cold glass of water and tipped it on my head.

Why the hell did I do that?

I started shivering so I quickly got changed into something warm and definitely not wet.

Feeling better I made a calming hot tea so I could calm down a bit and clear my mind.

My phone light up my dark room as I checked the time.


I needed to get to sleep, but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to get to sleep in a long time.

I was right.

Tâylor's POV

I woke up with the sun flittering through the window.
The cleaning lady must of opened the curtains while I was asleep. She only comes twice a week and it's usually before I'm awake.

I looked up at the clock with Meredith on it (a gift from Selena) to see that it was 9am and then remembered that today was the day I was going to tell Ed I liked him.

"Eeeeeeee!" I squealed.

I was nervous, excited and anticipated all at the same time.

I had a shower using my favourite shampoos and conditioners, and put on a yellow and white patchy dress.

I then did my hair and makeup, putting my hair in a half-up-half-down style. (A/N Taylor's outfit is in the media box.)

Feeling pumped I made a mixed-berry smoothie with my favourite flavoured yogurt and swallowed the recommend tablet from my health advisor.

I was strangely in a good mood. I couldn't wait to see Ed again.

It had only been one day since I last saw him but it felt like one week. I guessed it was because it was so awkward during that time.

Looking at my phone, I realised I still hadn't told Selena about what happened that night.

I had seven missed calls and 9 texts from her.

Selena: Tay, I'm desperate to know what happened!
Selena: U need to answer the phone, NOW!
Selena: I'm sorry I did it but I wanted to see what would happen.
Selena: Did he say he liked u? Oh, I bet he did. It's soooooooo obvious he likes u.
Selena: Oops, wasn't meant to say that. Oh well, you probs know by know.
Selena: I'm seriously dying here. ANSWER MEEEEE!
Selena: TAYLORRRRRR!!!!!

I laughed as I read the texts and quickly dialled her number.

"Taylor, finally!"
"Hey, Selly."
"Look, I'm sorry I set you guys up but I really need to know the details."

Selena gasped when I told her about the kiss and 'awed' when I repeated what he said afterwards.

"That's so sweet!" Selena said over the phone.

After I enlightened her about the meeting with Ed today she immediately asked a heap of questions like what outfit are you wearing? and what perfume are you going to spray?

After I hung up the phone I had 30 minutes until I had to leave, so I put some pre-made cookies in my bag and read a little of the book I was in the middle of reading.

When it was finally time to leave I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked out into the bright sunshine.

Ęd's POV

Waking up and hour later then I intended to meant I was on panic mode the whole morning.

I quickly did a magazine interview on the phone (which probably didn't go very well since I was half asleep) and got changed into something casual but nice.

Then I realised that I didn't have a shower so I took the clothes off, had a shower and eventually put them back on again.

It was 11:15 and I barely had enough time to eat breakfast before I left so I grabbed some fruit to eat on the way.

The driver grinned and said in a very American accent, "Hey Ed, so where to?"

I told him the address and we sped away from my temporary apartment.

End of Chapter.

Hi guys, thank you so much for over 1k reads! This book really doesn't deserve it but I'm very grateful! I'll try my hardest to make this book better and I'm constantly editing it.

Question: Do you like Ed or Taylor's POV?

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