Chapter 8: The Blue Bird Cafe

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(A/N) Banner made by me :)
Ęd's POV

I tried to ignore the cameras as I stepped out the of the car into the warm air of New York. The noise of the big city was unfamiliar but somehow comforting.

"Thank you!" I flashed a nervous grin at the driver. He nodded and drove off into the intense traffic.

The paparazzi had strangely disappeared for now but I put my hood on just in case.

A small cafe with a slightly rusty blue bird on the roof, came into view and I walked to it trying to avoid any attention from the passing pedestrians.

The first thing I noticed inside the Blue Bird Cafe was the intoxicating smell. It was the smell of ten different meals cooking at the same time, but with a touch of lemon -or lime, it was hard to tell- and popcorn. I had no idea how I knew that but it just seemed right.

The second thing I noticed was the there were a only a few chatting people here and Taylor wasn't one of them.

I found a table that was just right. It had a beam of light coming in through the window like a spot light and a single lily flower in a vase. The light reflected in the vase so it looked like a hundred rainbows.

I didn't really know much about romance but this looked pretty good.

There was a ring of a bell indicating that someone had just walked in and Taylor appeared looking breathtakingly beautiful in a white and yellow dress.

She smiled and suddenly time slowed down. My nerves disappeared because I knew as long as she's okay, I'm okay.

I didn't care if she didn't love me back because all that mattered in that moment was Taylor.

I came back down to earth when she waved her hand in front of my face.

Tâylor's POV

"Hi, Ed" I couldn't contain my joy of seeing him.

"Oh, hey Taylor." He shook his head as if snapping out of a trance.

He started making awkward small talk but quickly realised that it wasn't doing very well so he stopped.

"Taylor, why did you ask me to come here?" Ed sighed.

I was about to answer when a middle aged waitress that I knew well came to our table. "Taylor! We haven't seen you in a while." She glanced at Ed. "Oh and the legendary Ed Sheeran! Gosh Taylor, what an excellent surprise!"

Ed looked at me, confused.

"Oh! This is Glenda. I used to come to this cafe all the time and we're good friends." I explained to Ed.

"Well, nice to meet you, Glenda." He shaked her hand.

"Thank you! So what do you two want?" Glenda whipped out a writing pad. We told her our orders and she left again.

Ed turned to look at me. "So Taylor, why did you ask me to come here?"

I stared at the ground, thinking of what to say. "Ed, your my best friend. You've been my best friend for more then 5 years. Imagine my shock when you told me you liked me. I mean like liked me. Over the past two days I've thought about it and I've realised that I like you too. More then just friends. In fact I think I love you."

Ed's face light up like a kid getting presents and I couldn't help but laugh at he's expression.

"What?" He frowned.

"I'm just happy I finally confessed." I smiled.

This time Ed laughed. "So what now?"

"I don't know. Do we become a couple?" I ponder.

"I would love to become a couple, but it's completely up to you." He paused. "I hope this doesn't complicate our friendship."

I wanted to face-palm.

Of course it complicates our friendship!

"Look Ed, sure I want to be a couple but you know how much trouble I've been through with the media. I'm trying to stay low for know."

"So what your saying is, you want to be a couple but not in public?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry Ed, I know how much harder it makes things but you now how much I hate the media. It won't be forever, just until I find the right time."

Glenda came up to our table with plates full of food.

"Thanks Glenda, looks delicious." I said as Glenda set down a plate of food in front of me.

"Yum" Ed dug into his food.

After a while of eating in silence, Ed looked at me from across the table. "This food is delicious. I definitely will remember this cafe."

"Yeah, I know." I agreed.

"Well Taylor, would you be willing to have a picnic on Tuesday, if your not too busy?" Ed asked.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I laughed.

"Ummm, yes." He suddenly looked nervous.

"Of course I will!" I assured him.

End Of Chapter.

Yay! Taylor and Ed are finally (almost) a couple!!!!! Only a couple chapters left in the book and I'm thinking of doing a much longer sequel. Not right away so don't get your hopes up.

Also, do you like the banner???

Question: Do you like it when I make an edit on what Taylor's wearing? 'Cause it's really fun.

Thanks for reading.

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