Chapter 10: The Date (Part 2)

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Ęd's POV

"Hello, Taylor!"
I gestured toward the blanket and she sat down. We made small talk and discussed the latest music news; new artists, upcoming awards and just plain gossip.

I finally pointed to the picnic basket and she opened it excitedly. A joyous smile illuminated her face and I couldn't help falling in love with her even more. She giggled when she saw the quotes and gasped when she saw her own.

"Didn't I say that in a magazine interview a long time ago?" She asked glancing up at me.
"Yeah." I read it aloud. " I believe when it comes to love, there's something intangible about who we are attracted to, and I don't think it has a pattern. Beautiful." She laughed. "Thank you."

I loved the way she laughed. It sounded like a sound that should never a leave the air. It just belonged, like the wind in the leaves and the sky that is blue.

I reached my hand into the basket and pulled out a plate of sushi that Mike the chef had made earlier.

"That looks delicious but if you made it I'm to scared to eat it." She teased.
"Haha, don't you worry your pretty little mind, I got a chef." I laughed.
"Oh, a chef! Sounds romantic!" Taylor winked.
My heart warmed at Taylor's compliment. Even though it was sarcastic it still meant everything to me.
I pointed to my chest. "My idea."
We both laughed.


After we finished eating she stood up. "What's up?" I asked. She looked longingly at the big lake. "I wish we could swim."
"In the lake? Really?" I scratched my neck.
"Yeah! How amazing would it feel to swim in that lake?"
"I guess it would feel nice... Aren't you afraid of fishes and other underwater creatures?"
Taylor shrugged. "Not really. Unless there's sea urchins. I hate sea urchins."
Yes, the famous fear of sea urchins is true.
"I'm pretty sure there will be no sea urchins in a fresh water lake." I said.
"Well then we'll be fine."

I sighed. "I'm sorry Taylor but I didn't bring any swimming suits. And you're in a skirt."
"Really! C'mon you're Ed Sheeran order a helicopter to drop 2 pairs down!"
I couldn't help laughing. "Don't you think ordering a helicopter to drop a pair of swimming suits into a secret clearing with a giant lake attract any attention?"
She thought for a second. "Good point. But still there must be a way!"
"The only way to get them is to go and buy them. I don't wanna spend one secend without you." I wasn't going to leave this moment for anything.
"That's sweet thank you, but I still wanna swim."
"Fine I've got an idea, I'll ask a trusted friend to get a pair for you and me." "Really! You would do that?" She looked at me with awe in her eyes. "Who?" "There's a guy named Timmy who lives near here and he owes me a favour. I'm sure he'll get it for us." "Thank you so much!"


We waited for Timmy patiently and with no trouble. Somehow it seemed that no matter what Taylor and I were talking about we never ran out of things to say.
I saw a movement in the bushes up the hill so I ran up and grabbed the swimming bag from Timmy's hand. "Thanks mate, much appreciated" I clapped him on the back. "I know how much you care about this girl, it was no worries." Timmy smiled through crooked teeth. "Besides, I owed you."

I nodded and waved him good bye. While running down the hill I rummaged through the swimming bag he gave me. Goggles, 2 fresh towels, a pair of swimming trunks for me and an orange one-piece swim suit for Taylor. I sighed in relief.
I was worried if Timmy bought a bikini for her, she would be too embarrassed or insecure to wear it. Not that she had anything to be insecure about. She was beautiful just the way she was.

Taylor smiled hopefully at me and I pulled out the one-piece. She squealed in delight. "I'll go behind that bush," She pointed to a giant hedge. "And get changed there, while you put on your trunks. NO peaking!"
I chucked. "Of course not."

"Are you ready to go in?" Taylor emerged from the bush wearing a daring smile. "Who's going first?" I shivered thinking of the cold lake water. "Let's go in together." She said firmly.

She took my hand (I felt sparks fly) and marched over to the edge of the lake. "On the count of 3 we jump in. Ready? One, two, THREE!"
In the spur of the moment I screamed "CANNONBALL" and jumped as high as I could.

For a moment time slowed down and I looked over at Taylor and she looked breathtakingly beautiful. Her hair was flung up all around her and the smile on her face stopped my heart.
I knew I loved her. I loved her dearly. So much I couldn't breathe. And I knew as many times as I would tell her she would never understand my full admiration towards her. Because she was so kind and giving and beautiful but at the same time fun and sarcastic and relatable. However she was so humble she would never know. And I knew I had to make it my job to make her love herself as much as the people around her. And only then she will be truely happy.

I crashed back into reality and we fell into the lake with a gigantic splash.

Because I had my goggles on, all though blurry, I could see Taylor's shape in water next to me and I could still feel her hand grasping mine.

Taylor's POV

I loved the cool sensation of being under water. My hair flowing free, and for a moment I didn't even care if it looked wild. All that mattered was that I was safe, and the person I loved was right next to me. Never leaving my side.

Being in the water felt like my worries were floating away. As if they were seeping out of my pores and into the water never to be seen again. Like all my mistakes and flaws were being washed away by the currents and I could finally be clean.

Unfortunately, I knew that wasn't true because as soon I got out they would plaque me again. And I would be haunted by the fear of imperfection. I guess that's what the music industry does to you.

I needed air so I resurfaced and grinned at Ed. "Wasn't that fun?"

He laughed. "I have to admit that was thrilling."

I tugged him along with me and swam to more of the center of the lake. It was deeper there.

"Let's have a race back to the shore!" I exclaimed.

He nodded. "Okay then. Ready, set, GO!"

I swam as fast as I could to the bank but it was clear that Ed was much faster.

I sighed. Might as well give it all I've got.

In the end -of course- Ed won but I was having to much fun to care. He kissed me on the forehead and told me that I was amazing and that was enough for me.

After an hour or two of playing in the water we decided it was time to get out.

"Look at your hands!" He teased. "You've got grandma hands!"

"There's nothing wrong with having grandma hands!"

"There is if your 24."

I playfully shoved him and he fell back into the water. Now it was me that was laughing.

He climbed out and chased me around a tree nearby and we both collapsed into each other laughing till we were breathless.

We layed there for a while just looking up at the sky and he turned to me and said. "How do you envision our future?"

I smiled at the question and thought about it. What do I envision? I saw myself getting married with Ed, having children, growing old together. And I realised that I was happy in that picture. And really all I needed in life was happiness.

So I turned around and told him. "I see us together. And that's all I need."


Wow! This book is finally over! How long did it take? TBH I'm so glad this is over because I'm so ready to do other things, BUT I loved working on this book so much. Thank you for all the support. Sorry for the horrible writing, bad editing and inconsistent updating. :'( Pwz dun kill mehhh. Anyway share this book of you like it! I dunno read, vote, comment? Thank Yoi. (^o^)

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