Chapter 4- The Shocking News

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The gang convened at Ashley's place for the meeting. Ashley was questioned about Shaie and Boris' breakup, but she kept them at bay by retelling Shaie's version of events.

"That dick-head! How could he be so cruel to Shaie?" Janell shouted.

"Oh my God! I need to go talk to Shaie and see whether everything is all right!" said Delisa.

"The F*CK! Can I crack a glass over his head? Can I?" asked Zack.

"Can I castrate him with lethal weapons?" Troy wondered.

"Guys, Shaie urged that we not do anything...." Ashley said.

"What?" they all exclaimed.

"Yes, she stated that, but I want to do something! I can't just sit here and let that man-whore get away with it!! He must pay! So the major reason I called you all here today was to devise a strategy to bring that asshole down! Wait, where is James?" Ashley remarked .

"I'm not sure Ash, but last night I saw him entering Jones Bar, a place frequented by criminals. Due to the fact that he is an attorney, I assumed that he was heading there to meet with a client," Delisa said.

"Okay, I don't think I can make a plan without his input, so I suppose we'll all gather here tomorrow at the same time to come up with a strategy. You guys can think of something at home and get back to me tomorrow," Ashley stated.

"Okay," they all agreed.

"Can I visit Shaie right away?" asked Delisa.

"No, Del, she has closed her door and turned off her phone, so you will have to wait until she is okay. Give her some space, please," Ashley advised Delisa.

"Fine! But call me as soon as she comes out!" Delisa announced.

"Yes, I will. See you tomorrow, Del "Ashley stated this while hugging Delisa.

"Yeah, Ash tomorrow," Delisa answered before departing with the others.


I made the decision to visit my sister to see how she was doing. I decided to allow her space to grieve since I would want the same thing if I were in her shoes.

I knocked on her door.

"Shaie! Is everything all right, honey? I brought you your favorite food, Chinese, and I also purchased your favorite ice cream, cookies and cream."

The door opens, and I enter, placing the tray of food on her nightstand.

"How are you doing, Shaie?" I asked.

"I guess I'm okay..." she admitted.

"You're not okay, girl. Look I'm not pressuring you or anything, but if you need someone to talk to, you know where to find me."

"Yes, I know. I really did tell you everything, but you know, I'm just heartbroken. I was going to marry him when I found out, and it really hurts me, but I want to forget about it."

"Shaie, I get what you're saying, but it's unhealthy to lock everyone out. Today, the gang stopped by and wanted to talk to you, but I urged them to wait till you're feeling a bit better."

"Thank you for that, and also for speaking with Tasha. I called her, and she informed me of what you had done."

"I thought you'd be upset, but you're welcome, hun."

"Ash, all I want is to be happy again. I know it's too soon, but I think it's just what I need right now. I want to laugh and have fun again."

"Hey, it's not too late, sis. To be honest, I assumed you'd be crying for the next two weeks. I'm impressed."

"Yeah, whatever."

Right there and then, I gave her a hug.

"You know I love you right?"

"I do, and the feeling is mutual, boo."

"Now! You're going to eat and take a bath, and then I'm going to wash your hair and nails and then we're going to watch TV and movies together. Comprehende?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"I'll go get everything ready while you do that."

"All right sis, I got it"

"That's my girl," Ashley said.


I met with one of my associates at Jones' Bar yesterday who I met five years ago in rehab where I was trying to beat my drug addiction. You may be asking why I went there, but remember how I said Boris would pay for what he did to my woman? Well, I wasn't joking. Let's just say you're in for the shock of your life. Ha Ha Ha!


Ash came to do my hair and nails after I had eaten and taken a nice long bath.

"Shy, please change the channel to C-News! Please?"

"Yes, your majesty. Anything else, my queen?" I asked

"Lol, sure, stop talking!" Ashley said jokingly, while sticking her tongue out.

"All right, my queen," I said, turning on C-News! and we were sitting back and watching the Kardashians.

TV: "Just in: Breaking News. Boris Kodjoe and Jenny Amsterdam were discovered dead at Boris' Mansion by his maid this evening. Just two days ago, we reported that after six months of engagement, Boris and Shaie Malaie had decided to end their relationship. The police believe that this was a hired assassination. The Killer, whose identity we will not reveal, was also discovered dead in Boris' home. According the police, Boris was shot in the head, heart, and genital area, while Ms. Amsterdam was shot in the stomach and head, and the killer was shot through the chest. Do you think Shaie Malaie was responsible for this murder? We will provide you with further details on this unfortunate tragedy in the coming days."

"Oh My Fucking Gosh!" I shouted.

"Fuck!" Ashley yelled.

"Who would do such a thing?" I shouted.

"I have no idea! As far as I'm aware, I could never actually pull off something like this! I mean, I wanted to get back at him for what he did to you, but I would never resort to murder,"

I suddenly started crying. The agony I was experiencing two days ago had returned.

"Who would do such a thing? What kind of sicko would do this? Also, look! The cops are going to think that I ordered the hit on them! What am I going to do, Ash?" and as soon as I finished speaking, a panic attack struck.

"Calm down, Shy! BREATHE SHY! Dear lord! I'm calling the ambulance! STAY WITH ME, SHY! BREATHE! Oh my God! NOO!!!!" she said while shaking me.

Then everything turned pitch-black.

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