Cheddar Part 3

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"Good afternoon" said Jake, walking to stand in front of the squad. "Thank you all for joining me. What we have here is a fugitive situation. Our man has been on the run for thirty minutes. Also, our man is a dog."

He picked up a photo of Cheddar and showed it to the squad.

"Now I know what some of you are thinking: 'Who cares? It's just a pet'" said Jake.

"No one was thinking that, you monster" said Terry.

"Good. That was a test" said Jake. "Now, the average foot speed of a corgi is ten miles per hour, which means that with every passing second, that slippery bastard gets farther away."


Panting, Cheddar slowly walked down the footpath.


"Captain Holt does not know Cheddar is missing... But he's going to find out if we don't find Cheddar soon" said y/n, panicking slightly.

"Oh, no" said Amy, a worried expression on her face. "I can already see his face if he finds out that you guys lost Cheddar."

"It's alright. We have time" said Jake. "Gina's picking Holt up at the airport and she told me she can stall him for at least two hours."


"I'll do it, but I'll have to total your car" said Gina.

"Or you could just drive slowly" said Jake, passing Gina his car keys.


"Ha ha, she's gonna wreck your car" said Rosa.

"Here's where we're at. Y/n and I will take Blind Charles and search the neighborhood. Diaz, Pimento - " said Jake.

"Bring the dog back, dead or alive" said Pimento.

"What? No. I was gonna say hang posters. Terry, maybe go with them, make sure nobody gets killed" said Jake.

"Or maybe I could join a different group with a different kind of energy?" suggested Terry.

"Fine. You and Amy will also search the neighborhood" said Jake.

"Jake, what about me and Hitchcock?" asked Scully.

"You two can grab Cheddar's treats and put 'em in a bowl outside" said Jake.

"You mean the little sausage ones that need way more salt?" asked Scully.

"On second thoughts, maybe just sit exactly where you are and don't touch anything" said Jake.

"Sweet" said Hitchcock.

"All right, everyone. It's time to do this" said Jake. "For Captain Holt, for Kevin, for America!"

"Let's go, nine-nine" said Charles, turning around and walking into the wall.


"All right, according to the call we just got on the tip line, someone said they saw Cheddar on this block" said Jake as y/n stopped the car.

"I'll head north, Jake, you head west. We'll meet back in a half hour" said y/n.

"Great, which direction should I go in?" asked Charles.

"No" mouthed y/n.

"What?" mouthed Jake.

"What's going on? I can hear your lips moving" said Charles. "Ah! Are you guys kissing?"

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"What, no. Charles, stop always asking that" said Jake. "Look, I'm sorry, but you have to stay in the car."

"That's a mistake! My super senses are a tool you can't afford to leave in the tool chest. Take me out of the box and put me on your belt" said Charles.

"I'm sorry, but you'd only slow us down" said Jake. "And that's exactly what Cheddar wants. That's right. I'm onto you, you slippery little bastard."


Panting, Cheddar happily ran through the sandpit in the children's play area.


"Gina, you can do your Internet socialising in the truck" said Holt.

"Okay! I just have to tie my shoelace" said Gina. She turned away from Holt, knelt down and pretended to tie her shoelace. "Call Jake Peralta."

Jake picked up the phone. "Gina, how's the stalling?"

"Great, the tow truck just got here, so that'll buy us at least an hour" said Gina.

"Tow truck? What the hell did you do to my car?" asked Jake.

"Bitch, I told you I was gonna wreck it" said Gina.

"You did. You did. All right, well, we're about to go follow up on a lead right now" Jake said.

"Great, I'm gonna rip a bunch of wires out of your dashboard" said Gina.

"What? No, don't! Gina -" said Jake, getting cut off by Gina hanging up the phone.

Y/n walked over. "I got nothing. Did you find Cheddar?" 

"Close. I found Shredder" said Jake.


"Shredder, no! No, Shredder!" said a man, holding back his large dog.

"You're not Cheddar!" said Jake, hanging on to the top of a fence.


"I know it looks bad, but we're gonna find him" said Jake. He looked into the car. "Right after we find Charles. Charles is gone. We lost Charles."

"What?" asked y/n, looking into the car.

"Charles? Charles?" called Jake. He squeaked the toy he was holding. "Here, boy! Here, boy!"

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