My brother's dating?! (Choi-Kang Taegyu)

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In which Choi-Kang Taegyu, the youngest son of the Choi-Kang family finds out his older brother is dating.

Not MSB related.

Ps. Taegyu isn't a baby here y'all, he's just a year younger than Beomhyun who is twenty-eight.


"Choi!" a young woman burst into a certain office.

A young man was seated on a giant swivel chair, his handsome face held a bored expression as a ballpen was wrapped between his index and middle finger. Tapping it rhythmlessly on the glass table.

He rose a brow, "Well hello to you too Hwang Yena-ssi." he asked in a sarcastic manner.

The said lady gave him an incredulous look as she walks over towards the male and slaps a rolled up newspaper on his face.

"Ow, Yeye what the actual f-"

"My celebrity crush is getting married!" she shrieks.

Taegyu rose a brow. "Okay? And should that concern me in any way possible?"

The blonde haired lady scoffed and gave him a dead look. "Wow, did anyone tell you how you're such a good bestie TG?" she asks nonchalantly.

The latter nods.

"Of course I know, I pick you up whenever you drink your ass up and get drunk until you can't even drive. I oblige to every scheme you have in that little mind of yours. And I covered for you so auntie Lia won't think twice of sending you to the States when the teacher saw you making out with Linnie-sunbae..." Taegyu enumerates before leaning onto his swivel chair.

"Inside closet number one."

"Bro that was years ago!" she exclaims.

He smirked and cocked an eyebrow. "And there's more to it too y'know?"

Rolling her eyes, Yena puffs her cheeks. "Fine, fine! You win."

The black haired male sighs. "Is that why you barged into my office? To complain about your celebrity crush?"

Yena shook her head, "Nope..." she began. "I recently read a dating rumor at twitter, and bro this one's a popular one like-" she made a hand gesture. "Very... popular that even made netizens go curious about!"

"Hmm, yes that's interesting..." Taegyu mutters as he picked up a sheet of paper from the stack that was piling on his desk and began signing them. Paying little to no attention to his friend.

"Wow..." Yena says in disbelief. "I never knew your brother was dating someone."

Taegyu froze, the pen on his hand stopped mid-way, just a few centimeters from touching the printed paper.


'My brother's... what?'

The latter's pen rolled out from his grip, Taegyu lifts his head to face Yena. He gave her an incredulous look.

"My brother is what now?"

The blonde haired woman rolled her eyes. "Dating, your brother is DA-TING someone!"

Taegyu blinked his eyes, trying to process the information.



The ravenette's eyes widen as he shot up from his swivel chair.

"HE'S DATING SOMEONE?!" he exclaims.


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