Kissing you in the Moonlight (Soojun +Beomhyun)

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MSB related

Since they didn't really have a first kiss moment so here it is!

This was after their confession.


Beomhyun lets out a sigh, as he looks up. The moon and the stars were in full view, showcasing their beauty to the rest of the world.

He was waiting for Minsung and Yeo-jong at a park, the two were on a shopping spree and had forcefully drag Beomhyun out of his condo to relieve some stress from college.

But to be honest the younger would very much prefer binging kdramas and sleep than going on a shopping spree.

But Byun couldn't really say no to them now could he?

So for the whole day he was getting dragged here and there and left and right by his two friends to the point that he felt his social battery got drained. And so now, it was currently seven in the evening and luckily Beomhyun had managed to finally take a seat after walking around the whole day.

As Beomhyun leans against the bench, he closes his eyes.

"And that's why I love you."

As quickly as the thought came, Beomhyun opened his eyes and sat up straight. His heart was pounding hard against his chest and his face was red.

Oh my.

"O-Oh my gosh," Beomhyun whispers shakily as he buried his face onto his hands.

Ever since that day, the young Kang avoided Soojun like the plague. He literally made sure that he doesn't bump into the older male, Beomhyun even went as far as to check every corridor to see if the latter wasn't there and Soojun's schedule just so he doesn't run into him.

Although at times, they do ran into each other. So Beomhyun would either hide his face with his hands or just hide behind one of his classmates or friends if ever they were with him.

Yeah not the smartest decision on Byunnie's part and clearly he was to blame for avoiding Soojun because of that talk they had.

Well, running away when Soojun looked like he was leaning closer to kiss Byunnie was quite the wrong move. Byun rambled about that he should've held the older in place to prevent it, or another way was that he could have placed a finger on his lips and pushed him away gently.

There were many ways to prevent the kiss, but Byunnie had opted to run away and give Soojun a short 'bye'.

Well truth be told, Beomhyun wouldn't have ran away if it weren't for Minsung screaming his name which caused the young Kang to snap out of his trance and made him realized that he wasn't rrady to be kissed yet.

And he swears Choi Soojun's eyes were hypnotizing him to stay still so he can capture Beomhyun's lips.

Besides Beomhyun's actions were justified!

He wasn't ready to be kissed yet!

They didn't even have a label either!

With all of this, Beomhyun groaned as he ruffled his hair in frustration. "Gosh, Kang did you really get worked up all for a guy with cute dimples?!"

The young male puffs out a breath of air, leaning against the bench. "Come to think of it, where's Jongie-hyung and Sungie? They did say we'll meet up here at twenty. Did they ditch me?"

"I wouldn't say they did-"

"AAAH!!" Beomhyun shrieks, falling off the bench in an ungraceful manner.

Only for it to be Choi Soojun who had an equally startled expression.

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