Snow (Beomgyu + Taehyun)

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In which King Choi Beomgyu of Aster develops a cute crush on Kang Taehyun, the illegitimate child of the Chrystellian King.


Beomgyu shivers as he pulls his thick winter clothing closer to his body.

It was a rare sight to see the King outside the castle when it snows, in times like these of the season Beomgyu would be found curled up in his study reading a book or reports accompanied by the warmth of the fireplace.

But this time was different.

Because he had been wed to a person who can withstand the cold; a Chrystellian.

Well forced to be wed, but all in all it wasn't exactly bad.

Taehyun was very caring and lovely, despite having the stereotype of Chrystellians being cold and ruthless. His husband was the exact opposite of what the rumors were; he was very considerate and understanding towards Beomgyu, and not to mention very kind.

And it was stupid of the king of Chrystelle and his family to hate his youngest son and sibling. Just because Taehyun was illegitimate that doesn't give them any right to trample on him.

And the reason why Beomgyu was outside his palace? Well... Taehyun loves the snow.

And Beomgyu wanted to be with him even if that means marching towards the snow.

"Taehyun-ah!" Beomgyu calls out, looking around the outside garden that had became a winter wonderland.

Beomgyu scans the area before marching towards a bench.

"Taehyun-ah where are youuuuu!!!" Beomgyu calls out again.

"Do you really have to shout my name?" a voice chuckles from his right.

Looking over, Beomgyu grins childishly as he saw his husband.

It is famously known in Aster that Kang Taehyun is undeniably beautiful. His beauty and grace was incomparable to any noble in the land, and his swordsmanship was incredibly amazing.

He was after all the Chrystellian King's best generals.

"Well you wouldn't answer so I had no choice!" Beomgyu defends himself playfully.

"And why are you not wearing any winter clothes?!" the brunette shrieks.

Unlike Beomgyu who was all covered up in winter clothing, Taehyun had only worn white turtle-neck long sleeves and beige trousers.

"Here you can-" Beomgyu was about to take off his coat when he felt a hand stop him.

"I'm from Chrystelle Beomie," Taehyun reminds him with a gentle smile. "The cold won't affect me as much, you on the other hand..."

Beomgyu watches as Taehyun adjusts his winter jacket and properly wrapping the thick scarf around his neck.

"Will surely get sick if you don't wear these properly. Are you in a hurry to somewhere?" Taehyun asked, eyes on Beomgyu.

"I was actually looking for you," he confesses.

Taehyun hums, "About?"

Beomgyu laughs, "I just wanted to keep you company that's all. Hyuka told me that you always felt lonely whenever you walk alone in your palace because it's so big."

Then Beomgyu takes Taehyun's hand and kisses his knuckles ever so softly. He looks up to see the silver haired male looking at him with wide eyes.

"So as your husband, I promised that I'll never let you feel lonely ever again! I'll be by your side even in the winter." Beomgyu declaires.

"But don't you hate the cold Gyu?" Taehyun chuckles, looking fondly at his husband as he teased. "You don't have to force yourself just to join me with my small strolls in the winter."

"Psh, I'll get used to it! See? I'm already getting the hang of-" a gust of cold wind passed by the two males and Beomgyu shivered.

"W-What the heck?! W-W-When did it become THIS cold?!" Beomgyu stammers as he hugged himself for warmth.

Taehyun lets out a sigh. "I told you so, now c'mon let's go back inside-"

"Nuh-uh, I can handle the cold just fine!" Beomgyu protested.

"I'll make us hot chocolate," Taehyun bribes him, and just like that Beomgyu's eyes sparkled.


Taehyun nods in confirmation."Yup, I heard from Yeonjun-hyung you like hot choco very much."

The brunette male always gets all hyped up whenever Taehyun tells him that he's making hot chocolate. It was Beomgyu's favorite and is very good bribing material on winter days.

But little did Taehyun knew, everything he cooked was Beomgyu's favorite.

"Well yeah but he's kind of wrong," Beomgyu says.

Taehyun tilts his head. "Kind of wrong?"

"Ye because right now..." Beomgyu trails off before facing Taehyun with a flirtatious grin.

"I like my husband the most."


I hope you liked the chapter:)


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