Rain (Beomgyu + Taehyun)

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Inspired by Taylor Swift's Midnight rain

In which Choi Beomgyu wanted to stay, but Kang Taehyun wanted him to make his own name.


There was a hard down pour in the city of Seoul, and the time was 8:30 in the evening.

In a park not to far away from an apartment complex, two boys were standing on the center. Their clothes and hair were soaked by the rain, one of them had a blank look on his face whilst the other had anger in his eyes.

"No." the oldest of the two hissed, anger dripping from his tone.

"I am not breaking up with you Kang Taehyun," Beomgyu added, as if it was a rule that should never be broken.

After countless uncertainties, Beomgyu was found by an entertainment company who wanted to debut him as a soloist. They were a decent one and had treated their artists well, but there was one problem.

It had a dating-ban.

"You have to hyung, remember what the guy said? There's a dating ban in your company and-"

"All for that?! Taehyun we can just be discreet-"

"And how would you know that would work?!" Taehyun cuts him off. "Every celebrity who tried to keep their relarionship discreet always gets exposed, hyung! How are you so sure that ours won't-"

"Then I'll decline the offer!" Beomgyu bellows. "I'll do anything Taehyun-ah just don't break up-"

"Are you hearing yourself right now?!" Taehyun exclaims. "Didn't you say you've always wanted to become a singer? And when an opportunity like this comes around you're giving it up all for me?!"


"No!" Taehyun shouts as he walked closer to Beomgyu.

"You've come this far into debuting hyung, you need to let go of this." Taehyun gestures at himself and then Beomgyu before he looks up to the older, tears threatening to fall.

"You need to let go of me," he said in a painful whisper.

"No, Tae please no I..." Beomgyu could only shake his head tears forming in his eyes. "I can't let you go, I could never do that!"

"You were born for the stage hyung," Taehyun says. "You were born to shine!"

"And a life with me doesn't guarantee you anything. You'll only regret it all your life!" the younger adds. "Didn't you say you've always wanted to become a singer? And when an opportunity like this arrived, you're giving it up just because of us?!

Taehyun knows how much Beomgyu loves him, but he knows how his boyfriend loves music so much as if it was his entire lifeline.

Even if he wanted Beomgyu to be a part of his life, Taehyun knew that the older would regret it. He wants Beomgyu to chase his dream without any fear, and Taehyun was willing to make sacrifices to make that happen.

He watches as the older male went silent, eyes misty and tear-stains were on his cheeks.

"I don't wanna leave you Tae," Beomgyu confesses in a shaky voice as he wrapped his arms around Taehyun, burying his face onto the younger's shoulder. Wordlessly, Taehyun wrapped his arms around the older; rubbing his back when he heard sobbing.

"You were... Y-You were the only one who listened to my music when nobody would. You were the only one... w-who believed that I could make it," Beomgyu stammered as he tightened the hug.

"You know, the reason why I love your music so much is that I relate to it," Taehyun utters. "It gave me comfort and warmth, it was like therapy." he then slowly pulls away from the hug to cup Beomgyu's face, making the older male look at him.

"And I know there are people just like me, who are in need of your songs hyung. And don't say that nobody would listen to it, because I know your songs will find their people that really need them." Taehyun told him while wiping Beomgyu's tears with his thumbs.

"You might think that it's just me who believes in you, love. But trust me there are lots of people who believe that you could make it. Professor Kim believed in you, Hyuka, Soobin-hyung, and Yeonjun-hyung did as well."

"Besides I'm just one person, hyung." Taehyun chuckles. "And I know there will be lots of people rooting on you on the way. You'll meet new people, you'll even meet good friends. I won't affect your life so much if we break up."

"But I-I don't want to break up with you Tae," Beomgyu utters. "I love you too much."

"I love you too," Taehyun whispers as he connected their foreheads together. "So much."

"But you have to let me go, hyung."

Beomgyu looks at Taehyun, "But how? You were the reason why I never stopped Taehyun-ah. You were my everything, you're the dream."

The young boy s sadly at him. "No hyung, I was never the dream," Taehyun chuckles as caressed Beomgyu's cheek and tears fell down once more.

"I was your distraction."


I hope you liked the chapter:)


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