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Gianne pov..

As soon as i heard police
sirens i started to run down town.

Shit im spotted.

Well whatever i just have to lose them dont i?. I wore my hoodie's hat and as i look back. There are two police cars chasing after me.

Darn police officers can't they just fuck off and mind thier own business?.

As i run at the street two more police cars blocked the way. Before they took out thier guns i took a sharp curve.

Theyre driving me into a corner. Its not like i never saw all of thier tricks. These mother fuckers always suck.

I ran as fast as possible to make a distance between us. I sensed helicopters which means they have a trick up on thier sleeve right now.

I saw a net falling to me. Tsk slow.

I sprinted at an alley. Shit seriously? Theyre still after me?. Ten police men are after me and two helicopters. Wow. So much for a kid.

I held out my gun and start firing.


Good there are only five. Full speed ahead!!

Im almost ran out of ammos. Theyre far away from me anyways. I saw an intersection so i took a curve and chased my breath. I added ammos and put my back against the wall. Another deep sigh. Cool down girl. Theyre not goin' to catch you. Tsk.

After running from them for a long time. Your still not used to it?.

I heard them screaming. Tsk. Annoying bastards.

Another deep breath and they passed by the intersection. I attacked the last man by tucking him on a nearby tree. The four looked back and i shot all three of them. They fired back and i got shot at one of my side. I shot the last man in his heart.

Shit im bleeding.

I looked at the helicopter but it already flew. Tsk.


I groaned. It will leave a scar. I looked at the helicopter again and its going away.

"Fuck you mother fuckers!!"

I raised my middle finger to them. Tsk.

I breathed in ease the police cars are gone. Taking off my hoodie revealing my stomach and just wearing a crop top, i looked up again ang the sound of the helicopters starts to fade. I sighed and shaked my head.

Those darn police officers.

I wrapped my hoodie around my torso to stop the bleeding. Then took thier guns and thier money.

A smiled formed in my lips as i count thier money, they have quite a large amount of dollars ehh

I looked at the alley as guns fired. It was an abandoned building.

And what business is going on here?

As i peaked on the room, shouts and more shout were heard.

Grrrr. Wont they just hush a little? My ear drums were really really going to explode in a moment right now.

"Give me one month!! I will let go of this child if you would give me more time!"

The man who had a gun pointed into a kid. Who seemed like calm?.

Awesome and Interesting.

I just watched them. They didn't notice me walk in so blah blah. As i sat at the corner of a wall, i calculated the number of persons inside the room. There are at least 60 plus men here, both sides. Who... raised a gun at each other. One man in his 30's talked while smirking.

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