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[What Im seeing right now is Gia's 30 year old version if she didn't run away.]


I can't believe it. I finally can hold her hand. Stupid. She's just letting you because youre in front of the kids! I rolled my eyes on the thought.

Ive been itching to hold her. I want her to be mine. I want to cuddle her close in me. I like her no i love her. Her hair, her hand, her smile, her laugh, her everything. And most of all. I love her because she is strong. I always wanted to be with her now and forever. I dont care if were just kids. All I wanted is her. At first I thought I'm nothing if not because of Kennon I must have committed suicide. His words comforted me.

'do that and you'll eventually go straight to hell. Its naïve doing something like this shit, you can see both of them but never me and that girl. If you want to follow thier tails with your life then jump, but if you want to move on then shut the fuck up in whining and come with us. Its like the hell I'm not here. The love of your fucking life is still out there longing for your arms while your here wanting to die . Im not trying to be inspirational but theres one girl out of all fucking people who needs your ass the most. I better watch you die inlove than die because of some sort of stupidity.'

[Audience be like:
"Isn't that a bit harsh?"
"He's not comforting he's ordering"
"Didn't he learn vulgar words from Sabrina?"]

Shut the fuck up. Well yeah. Its a bit mean but at that time he's so awesome like some movie star. And ps. He learned vulgar words from mom not Sabrina. Ken Ken is a momma's boy. Though he's so intelligent. I was envious of the kind of him. A strong kid.

See? Im stuck with a strong kid and a strong Queen but I am just here driving the car they were riding, making them laugh and smile which made me happy. I cannot be her knight because I'm weak. I dont even know if she wants me around her or does she need me? But im trying to be strong for her. For us and Kennan. Im not going to witness someone I love being killed infront of me never again.

I felt her hand draw circles on mine then I realized I was holding her hand tightly. Holy shit.

I let go if her hand but she pulled it back. I looked at her with confused look.

"Its okay. I like it anyways"-My Queen-

It made me blush but soon enough I looked on the road. I looked at the rear view to confirm that Erza was asleep.

"Are you seducing me my Queen?"

I smirked at her. She seemed in shock and covered her mouth with her free hand.

"Oh my gosh does this turns you on?"-My Queen-

I chuckled. "Everything you do turns me on Baby... Especially the kisses"

I said in a soft husky voice.

I saw her blush and as she smiled she shaked her head in disbelief.

"Whatever."-My Queen-

She rested her back and hold on my hand tighter. It gave me shivers. Holy shit. Not now Xennon. Not now. How is this even possible. Were just holding hands then why does it turns me on?.

Could They Save Her? [Save Series 1]Where stories live. Discover now