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[The sunset is beautiful isn't it?]


Its been three days and I'm going just fine Xennon still hasn't woken up. I forced Jordan to let me see him so basically im in a wheel chair.

The two metal doors opened and Jordan pushed me into the hallway.

Later on we entered a room. My eyes weakend as I saw many IV's connected into every part of his body. He also has oxygen mask.

He suffered more pain than me.

"The nurse said you can't go close because he's still in deep coma. And his cuts and bruises are still fresh. We cannot go near him unless he gains his consciousness"

I nodded.

"I'll visit him everyday."

Jordan rolled his eyes. "I think you should be transferred in the room next door."

He said that made me look at him immediately.

"Please do."

He chuckled as he left me not forgetting to remind me not to go near Xennon which is sad but I have to. He is still in deep healing process.

I lay my chin onto my hand as I watch him still unconscious.

This distance is enough for me to see clearly how his chest rise up and slowly fall back. I want to watch him all day. His messy hair is slightly being blown by the wind. At this point he looks like a sleeping prince.

I dont know why did he have to be in a coma state. But I dont know what did Julius do to him.

Julius. Just thinking of his name boils my blood. And also the same time makes it run cold.

Julius is... Still my first boyfriend. He's my first. The very first.

He is sweet, caring and loving. He is...

But it didn't end up like how he promised. All of those promises turned into lies. Someone must have been manipulating him.

I shaked my head. No. He brought this upon himself.

My eyes widened as I saw his finger move.


I pushed my wheelchair near him.

"Xen Xen. Can you hear me?"

His eyes slowly opened. "Xennon! Thank god youre awake."

"I already requested you---"

Jordan was cut off by him shocked as he saw Xennon awake.

"Xennon! Youre awake! I'll call the doctors!"

Then he ran out side. "Rest first okay we'll talk sometime."

He blinked twice. I can see he was wondering.

"You are in a hospital Xennon. Doctors will come to check if youre totally okay. Lets talk after that okay?"

I was shocked because he looked like he dont know anything even himself. I shove the thought off. I looked at the door and the doctors already came. "See ya."

I said as Jordan pulled my wheel chair and put me on the next room. The recent patient already transferred. That was fast.

As I transferred to the bed Everyone including Kurt came in.

"Is Xennon okay?"

Hence asked.

"We dont know yet. He just woke up. The doctors are still checking"

Could They Save Her? [Save Series 1]Where stories live. Discover now