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[It must have been hard for Xennon but its even harder for Ken Ken]

Hence pov.

We got back to the mansion when i noticed no one was home.

Wait did Gia kidnapped Kennan? That's what dad is sayying do not trust her and--

The door slammed and we see an Madman Xennon.

"Xennon what happened"-Eive-

"No. Im not giving her. Never."-Xennon-

Its been a while since he was angered but not this much. This is a new Xennon. Very new.

"Xennon calm down tell what happened. Did you killed him?"-Sab-

"I did."-Xennon-

"Then why are walking like a mad man .?"

"H-he called."-Xennon-



My hands turned into fists. That mother fucking son of a bitch..

"What does he need! After killing my sister and brother-in-law does that doesn't satisfy him!"

"Hence calm down."-Eive-

I can't believe it. After all these years he still dares to talk. Has he declared a war? We'll definitely win this one... Im never ever going to let one of our blood stain this hands. Never!!

"Not only that"-Xennon-

"Whats more?"-Dad-

"He said we had something he wants"-Xennon-

Eive and Sabrina gasped.

"Could he be ... Talking about Gia?"-Eive-

Gia just what the hell do you mean to someone like him?

"Should we talk about this to her?"-Sab-

"No. We have to wait."-Granny-

"Wait!? Well im done waiting!!"

"Son. Dont ruin their mood. Lets talk about this to her when the kids not around."-Dad-

"Dad you too!"

Arghhh i can't believe this. Why are they siding with a freakin 14 year old girl who you dont even know where she came from.

"Wait where is Gia?"-Eive-

"They still hadn't come home?"-Xennon-

"Xennon where the hell are they?!"-Sab-

"I dropped them off by the Shooting Site they must have gone back here right now if they walked."-Xennon-

We heared Gia's voice laughing.

Could They Save Her? [Save Series 1]Where stories live. Discover now