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["Because Words affect girls more than Wounds"]


"Those words right now. They weren't meant for me dont they?"

His voice ring in my head as we drive in silence. The rain poured much even harder. I just rested my head in the windshield just to avoid eye contact with him. This is the very first argument we had.

Its true, those words are for somebody else, because when I look at Xennon I feel like I'm looking to Him. Their words and actions are similar that's why I've said those things. Both of them are hard headed. That's why I know what will happen if I fall inlove with someone like him. I would end up getting hurt. And I dont want my heart to be hurt once again. Im just doing what's best for me and him. Just doing what's best for us. I hope he'll understand.

I didn't have enough resting time due to the awkward atmosphere between us. As soon as he stopped I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car while mumbling "You pick up Ken Ken in the afternoon, I'm not in the mood for talking or even looking at you."

Before he could say anything else I ran to the mansion.

And as I entered it Henry and Jordan are at the couch as usual.

"You took your time--" Jordan's words were cut when I ignored their presence.

I walked past them not even giving a glance and reached the elevator. As the metal door opened. Eive and Sabrina got out and greeted me but I just walked past them and pushed the 3 button before they can say anything else. After sometime the metal door opened and I recklessly bumped into Granny who almost tripped. "Im sorry" I said and run furiously into my room and shut the door behind me. There my tears began to flow and I can't even bring my self to stop it.

Im hurt. Why can't he just give up? Such an Idiot. An Idiot!. Can't he understand that he's being blinded!! Tsk! Adds up his hard headed skull. Did he think I didn't saw through him that he just wants to lure me to my weak spot and comfort me and make me feel like 'oh I'm right here beside you always loving and caring'. And did he even think that even when I became his girlfriend still doesn't change the fact that were going to break up in the end. Ughhh. Were still young. For fucks sake im 14! And he's freakin 15!

"Just give up already you Blinded Hard-headed Idiot!!!"

I stumped my feet.
















"Stupid man!!"


"Theres no way that Love Is True at this age you idiot!"

My legs weakened and I stumbled in the floor as I cried into my hands. I sighed. So much for love.

I dont wanna experience the same. I dont want it. I dont wanna hear those words.

Do you think youre special?

Could They Save Her? [Save Series 1]Where stories live. Discover now