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[Have a speech up on you sleeve?]

Eive pov.

Hence,Mr.Fubo,Granny,Sabrina and i gathered around the table next to the kids. While Jordan and Henry sat with them and watching anime too.

"I see why she didn't knew about The Marks"-Sab-

"Even how strong you see her she's still have a kids heart besides she's only14."

"Such a young age for someone who killed 10 police."-Hence-

"I still feel that she's hiding something from us"-Mr.Fubo-

"No worries we will know the truth soon."-Granny-

"But what if she's lying? What if all of these are just her act ups?"-Hence-

Sabrina, Granny and I glared at him.

"Girls lie for a reason"

We said in unison.

"But i doubt she can lie to Kennan. "-Granny-

"What do you mean?"-Hence-

"There is one thing about her similar to us..."-Granny-

We looked at her eating chips and talking to Jordan.

"The care and affection towards Kennan. Theres no doubt about it" Granny continued.

"I agree to that. She pulled him to a safe place the time we attacked Baresto"-Sab-

"Still im curious of her past."

With Hence mentioning about past i felt uneasy. Should i tell them? Or shouldn't i? But if i tell them that i feel like im crossing a line.

I have to held it in until she wants to speak up. I dont want to force her, she's just a kid.

I felt a little squeeze on my hand. I looked at Hence who looked worried.

"You okay?"-Hence-

"Im fine"

I gave him a weak smile.

"Save your curiosity for later Hence. Dont ask questions not until the kid ask's that question."-Granny-

"What question?"-Sab-

"Youll see"-Granny-

Sabrina and i are frustrated. Question?


Gianne pov.

In no time they started to depart and Jordan and Henry also said good bye cuz they have something to do.

I asked Xennon if he have something to do too. He said he will be off later. Mafia Business is nasty. The old shop keeper always tells me that. Its not that is care or something.

Kennan wants to try archery. Xennon drove us to a nearby area owned by The Marks and just then recieved a call he gave me a map. And said that we have to walk from here to the mansion. My jaw dropped. He even planted a kiss on my fore head and drive off with a wink.

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