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[My Only One]


Mr. Fubo sighed. "That reminds me of Olivia."


"Xennon's mother, Jake is the name of thier father"-Eive-

My mouth shaped O.

"So what? Im telling you guys she's my girl. Only mine and Mine alone."

Xennon shot a glare at them. He even pulled me closer to his body. Like the fuck that they were strangers.

The way he claim me makes me chuckle. Julius was never like this.
Same words but different aura and feelings... I wonder... Why did I end up liking him in the first place? But if it weren't for him I wouldn't have been me today.


Henry shaked his head of the thought.

"Olivia was like that back at the old days..."-Mr Fubo-

So it was Olivia's gene.

"She hates being controlled. She does what she does. She's like a free bird flying in the sky with full of pride."-Hence-

Oh so this time, I'm thier audience. This is Xen Xen and Ken Ken's parents. Thier past.

"Yet fall-inloved with a newbie, She trained him, to become a great warrior that soon enough became my right-hand. "-Mr. Fubo-

"Days after his promotion. He asked for her hand to marry her."-Granny-

"At first we declined. And gave him rough obstacles. But in the end he proved how he loved her. And we didn't regret how we agreed on them to marry. Olivia still is a free bird even after marriage but grew obsessive of Jake"-Mr. Fubo-

"I dont understand why they killed them"-Eive-

"And that's what were going to know. Before planting a bullet into the bastard's head."

I was surprised Encho talked. His grip on the mouse is getting tighter.

He looked at us because everyone was silent. Seemed in shock.

"Oh yeah she didn't tell you? We used to be bestfriends."-Encho-

Everyone nodded. He looked back to the monitor but a bitter smile formed on his lips...

"First we need to gather as much information as possible"-Mr Fubo-

I took out my necklace. A flash drive was attached into it.

"I have some."

They all looked at me. Confused.

"I told you the time I thought of running away I changed. I had spare time to save every information I need for future purposes well knowing it would be a great evidence against him but a criminal reporting another criminal? Dont think so. Though I have all of you. Ill entrust it with you guys."

I tossed the necklace to Encho who catched it without even looking at me.

"Throw the necklace away. I dont need it anyway."

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